SteamWorld Dig Review (Wii U)

Published on August 26th, 2014 by Eric Weichhart

SteamWorld Dig Review (Wii U)


Afterย the long wait, the Wii U version ofย SteamWorld Dig will be availableย this week as of writing this viaย eShop, introducing new elements and HD graphics. You can read the 3DS version’s reviewย of SteamWorld Dig here if you want.

SteamWorld Dig Gameplay (Wii U)GAMEPLAY:
Dig Dug meets Metroid is the best definition of this game. If for some reason you do notย know what those games are, combined together they areย a mining game with platform, RPG and puzzle elements.

When you beginย your journey, you will be requiredย to use yourย pickaxe to dig in order to go down and you will discoverย minerals that you canย sell for money once you go back. Money can be usedย to purchase upgrades that canย make you stronger and capable of doingย more things, and that’s basically what the game is about.

Those upgrades can makeย your weapons stronger, add more capacity for your main three resources (light, health and water), and can give you the ability to carry more minerals, etc. However, you can only upgrade what you have by using your money. Similar toย Metroid games, you will get new elements with time. For example, this includesย the drill, the speed boots or dynamite.

You can also fight enemies in the game, however,ย this part of the game can be extremely risky sometimes or in theย worst case scenario, the chance of getting stuck is high if you progressed a lot and you may need toย sacrifice yourself to continue.

SteamWorld Dig Gameplay (Wii U)After beingย destroyed,ย you will start from theย entry andย you will lose all the minerals you obtainedย (you need to get them back) as well asย half of your money. Falling rocks are also capable of destroying minerals and items, therefore you must be careful.

There are otherย elements that will make your adventure harder: you have a limited number of slots where you can enter one large mineral and four small minerals in each slot. The light you have also has a limit and if it runs out, you wouldn’t be able to see any of the contents underground (making it almost impossible to get minerals), therefore your best option is to go up toย get more light if you happen to be running low on it.

Theย controls are great. It feels exactly the same asย the handheld version. I would love to talk more about the gameplay aspects, howeverย I will be spoiling the surprise this adventure wants to bring to the player (well, for those who have notย played it yet).

SteamWorld Dig Gameplay (Wii U)GRAPHICS AND SOUND:
The game looksย wonderful on the 3DS version and it’s the same on the Wii U version as well. After playing it on 1080p, some people would consider it as a remake due to its high quality. It features a lot of details, the character’s picture is animated when talking and the artwork looks fantastic.

The only thing I disliked is the Rusty icon when you have the map on the Gamepad. It’s the only flaw that I discovered while playing the game, to be honest.

The soundtrack is pretty good where the music does notย want to add a background but an atmosphere. The sound quality is sublime and the voice actingย when the character speaks is in great detail as well.

The presentation is great overall where it has a good quantity of options including six different languages, some interface customization including volume audio and brightness. There are also three different screen modes:

  • TV Only:ย Everything is on the TV similar to the PC version.
  • Double Screen: The map and the objects are on the Gamepad similar to the 3DS version.
  • Off-TV Mode:ย Everything is on the Gamepad.

The only thing that I disliked is the lacking manual. I would have loved one with a steam-punk design. Still, the explanation ofย the game was excellentlyย done.


SteamWorld Dig for Wii U is a ‘must have’. It’s a great option featuring good quality and replay value. Although it’s quite short, it’s one of those games that shows the quality that indies are capable of.

SteamWorld Dig Review Score (Wii U)

About Eric Weichhart

Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.