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eShop, Wii U News

XType Plus Freezing Bug, Temporal Fix, Delayed on NA, Unlisted on EU

XType Plus was a Wii U eShop game I reviewed a few times ago, where it was going to be released today, still a freezing bug due the online features of the game gave a big headache for European users, but also gave bad news for those aiming to buy it.

The game got delayed on North America, and unlisted in both North American and European eShop, as announced in phoboslab’s official Twitter account:

Still, there was a temporal fix for those players who already have the game downloaded:

So, in short terms, the game won’t be released in the North America Wii U eShop today, and also the European release got removed from the eShop. As a temporal fix for the freezing bug, the online components of the game were disabled.

Eric Weichhart
Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.
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