Creepypasta and The Problems that it seems to have

Creepypasta and The Problems that it seems to have

So,I was looking at Cpwiki a bit ago,roaming through random Pages and I realised,that alot of the stories shared the same Problems.Here are some examples of these,why not to use these and how to improve.

"Realism"/The Story Story"
So,what is the problem with this?
First off,there are millions of these,barely any are good or original in any Way.

Most also just seem to be a bare really loose Frame around a Story People heard Ages ago at a Campfire/Sleepover/Whatever.
It mostly just is like that to scare the Reader by making Him/Her believe the Story did really happen(I still dont get how People can be naive enough to believe that even after hitting Puberty.).

You should write about someone investigating the Story and finding more Parts of it,that barely anyone knew before,no matter if it turns out to be true.

I would also suggest NOT ALWAYS making the Story end with the Tale the Characters heard in the Story being true,it could be just a nicer Version of a Tale more horrid or a Distraction from a far worse Thing in the End.

For the love of God,try to avoid Those like as is if they bring Black Death.
It might be cool to have a seemingly insane Guy thats the only one who knows the actual Truth,but that has been overdone alot since the 80s or already 70s.

Cannibal Rednecks also have gotten pretty old,The Hills Have Eyes was released in 77,thats already almost 40 Years.
Be as Original as possible,but dont go to far ,thats the only advice i can give.

There is nothing wrong with Inspiration either,if you dont use too much from a Story written by someone else.

"Its Ghosts,definetly Ghosts"
A haunted House might be a scary Place,but not giving the Ghosts or what ever Entitiy does the Haunting a good Backstory is just lazy.

You cant just be like "Well someone died because I dunno,and now haunted" and even if it was a Murder ,try to give the Killer actual motives to kill the Person that became the Ghost,instead of just claiming the Kiler to be just a bad person or just insane.

The Blog Noodles/The Report Noodles

This is a quite a ruining Obsession for Creepypastas,instead of focusing on
Story telling,these pretend to be a Blog,which would be cool as a Blog with some regular Update,but well,it was posted as regular Pasta,so that wont save your Butt.

If you want to make something Good out of this,just use Common Sense and make it to a ACTUAL Blog.

"Haunted"/"Banned" Tv Episodes/"Haunted Videogames"
(Making Rip offs of Squidward's Suicuide and Ben Drowned)

The Theme itself doesnt really ruin the Pastas,but a Videogame that kills People,just for lolz,not as consequence for dying in the Game with the Person just falling over Dead from playing the Game is a REALLY terrible Story Plot.

And for the love of God,dont use the Word "Hyperrealistic","Realistic" is a actual proper Word with the same Meaning.

Id suggest using the Plot of the TV Episode/Videogame brainwashing People into killing overs and themselves,its might be just a Videodrome Rip Off,but its better than just saying the Game is spooky

The Long Gone Rights
Dont post Stories already published by other People that became Public Domain,its better when the CPwiki isnt spammed with Stories written by a certain Howard Philips,even if you can legally post them there.

Now,theres nothing wrong with some Gore in Horror Stories,but if a Killer violently kills People in gruesome Ways,it should fit the Killer's Personality.For a Beast like Cannibal,it makes sense for him to destroy the Body of his Victim as much as he can,but a Mindgame Psyschopath would more enjoy slowly guiding his Victims to their Death,with them getting closer to Death and the Emotion coming from that fascinating the Psyschopath and not the Violence of their Deaths.

Grammar and Spelling Errors

Minor ones arent a Problem,if they dont happen often.

But now,if the through the whole Story,there is no Difference between "your" and "you're" or "they're" and "their" its hard to take it serious due to getting the Thought that a Elementary School Student wrote it.

If you are from a non English speaking Country and not good at English,you should ask someone that you know is REALLY good at both your Language and English to translate it.Dont even think about using Google Translator.

The Problem with these is,they are almost never there in a Creepypasta.
You should use ones that make you rethink about the whole Story.

Catchphrases/One Liners

Unless you are writing the Script for a really cheesy 80s or 90s Style Film,always avoid those.

The Bad Guy
Having a definitive Bad Guy in the Story is not a Problem,but if thats the case in all your Stories,you should try to write a Story in that who the actual Evil is is up to the Reader's Interpretation and not easy to decide.

If you write about a Killer,you should also give the Killer ACTUAL Motives,instead of HE GO INSANE LOL NO REASON WHY.

Happy Endings
There is nothing wrong with using a happy Ending in your Story,it works actually quite good if the Ending is a "Happy Ending" in a twisted Way.

If you want to use Pictures,only use Drawings detailing the Story or if the Story is about a Relict a Photography of a self made Version of the Relict would work.NEVER use Stock Images,Stills from Films,Stills from "Ghost Haunting Footage" or Youtube Thumbnails if you want to be taken serious.

Dont base Stories on Lyrics of songs you like,it wont work 99,9999999999999999999999999999999% of time.
It also is quite hard to take a Story serious thats the Lyrics of a Top 40s Song.

Trollpasta/The Overexaggerated Parody
For the Love of God,dont write one,these are already way too overdone

Last Thing

You should read some Horror Stories by writers known for their Short Stories for inspiration.You could also read something longer,but Short Stories give a better look at what all can fit in a Creepypasta.
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Derek's Suicide LOST EPISODE blog edition damn Daniel back from the grave

by MrCreepyPasta
*Derek's Suicuide.exe Lost Episode Blog EditionDamn Daniel Back Fom the Grave (In da Hood)(Gone Wrong)
I agree for the most part, but I disagree with avoiding cliches. Cliches aren't inherently bad. There is a reason people keep on using them, after all. But cliches need to be done WELL for it to have an impact. As you said, tons of cliches are used, but if it's done well and it helps the story, there's no reason to avoid them. Think of Undertale for instance. It's not particularly original, with the whole "seeing everyone you care about die because of you" trope, but the way it's executed really helped drive the narrative of the game home.
I have a couple counters.
1) there are people who write Creepypasta as a comedy. I don't see the tips on how to do those.
2) I agree with your catchphrase rule, though I will mention a little repetition of a certain word or phrase may work depending on how important it is and who's saying it. I'd recommend only doing this in the first person, or a third person with a certain dialect or accent.
3) I noticed in your blog you're capitalizing the first letter of a couple words. Rules of the Caps say it only works for the first letter in a sentance, a name of a person, place and/or race, and all caps to signify yelling.
4) Happy endings are sometimes attainable, depending on what is lost or gained. It has to somehow work. Like in "A haunting in Connecticut" though their house burned down, Matt unusually lost his cancer. Maybe it was thanks for freeing the ghosts? Maybe ridding them restored his life? Maybe it was a coincidence or a missread, or something we can't explain.
5) Consistency in other character's grammar and accents will work in your favor.
6) Consistency in perspective really helps: Best not to jerk the reader around with constant perspective-shifts.