Day 2, Part 1
My dreams were strange... I knew that I had been dreaming for a while. Maybe even days. None of them were good. They were more like my life memories, replaying over and over after the point where I was struck by Lightning. I felt the excruciating pain over, and over. Some were bittersweet memories, like birthday parties. Others were... not so nice. I remembered the time where I had drowned in the 6th grade, and everyone thought I was dead until I opened my eyes and coughed up some chlorinated water. I remembered every hard situation I had been through. Then, my dreams shifted off course, and My dream-self breathed a sigh of relief. I was now lucid dreaming, and I could control my dreams. I often Lucid dream. Sometimes, people Lucid dream and they have no idea. Normal people dream and they never wake up until whenever the dream ends, or if it it cut short by something. Others don't have dreams at all. Then there are a few rare of us that are born with the strange ability to Lucid Dream. Lucid Dreaming is the ability to recognize when you are in a dream, or when it is reality. Once they realize this, every movement he or she can be controlled by will. They can also control WHAT they dream. Since my dreams were already focused on memories(Painful memories specifically, which I didn't appreciate) I focused On one of my last memories. Swimming for my life back towards the cave that had almost took my life. I focused on what I had seen next. The blue energy wave that the storm had released. Just before it had generated the lightning bolt that had struck me. I realized that it actually WAS pure energy. I could see it was like an energy blast outwards, rolling across the skies from the storm. I remembered 3 days before I had seen on the news that this mysterious storm that was approaching seemed to be coming somewhere south-east off the coast of Florida. In other less panicking words, it had come straight out of the Bermuda Triangle. None of our radar had picked it up until the moment it cleared the area. Only now did I actually think that there must have been something off about that storm. Great, it was too late now. Now I am pretty sure I am dead. If i didn't die from the lightning bolt that had hit me square in the chest, then i would have drowned. Again. And if that wasn't bad enough, last I had checked, I was also slowly dying of a deadly snake venom that was about to reach my heart. But then again, if I could Lucid Dream, That would mean my brain was still working. In order to Lucid Dream, the brain uses another part of itself, a part that is normally Inactive. Lucid Dreamers can say "NO," at any time of the dream they want and wake up, so to speak. So, feeling kind of idiotic, I said NO! Nothing happened. Feeling angry now, My dream self Screamed, " I SAID NOOOOOOO!"My dream self began to feel weird. Suddenly, I felt like I was being teleported across dimensions, collapsing in on myself, solidifying. I opened my eyes, and gasped for breath.
My name is...Troy
My name is...Hurricane