Day 1 Part 1
It happened on a normal day...12:16 pm: I was busy Scuba Diving just off the far Southeast Coast of Florida. It would have been fun if I wasn't furiously searching for an item. 12:00 PM, June 21st,2000: 15 years ago, an emerald the size of a soccer ball was being kept at a museum. Unfortunately, within the first few months of it being on display, a group of robbers stole it. Cop cars were less than a quarter of a mile away and could be seen coming in at all directions. Except One. The Museum was on the Southeast Florida Coast, meaning the Atlantic Ocean was pretty much this place's backyard. The robbers jumped into a getaway speedboat, and immediately began to speed off. A cop jumped out of his vehicle and shot at the man holding the emerald. A bullet pierced the robber's arm and he dropped the emerald into the ocean, where nobody has yet found it. I was determined to be the first, because the reward recently increased to 1.5 million dollars, which was probably a tenth of what it was actually worth. Present day: I was ferociously searching because I had heard that a storm was brewing. Not just your average, every-other-day kind of storm you see here in Florida, But the kind of storm that can pick up your car and send it as a gift to your neighbor. I was determined to search on the exact day,month, and time the emerald was dropped. All of a sudden, I realized that my foot was in the current. I had nothing to hold my place, and I was sent downstream, fast. I crashed into several rocks, and suddenly realized the current for some reason dropped off completely, leading straight down farther than I could see. I knew my immediate threat was the pressure. If humans go far enough into the ocean, the water pressure will literally crush us, like a tin can. I struggled, but it did no good. I was sucked deep into the looming black pit, with no idea what dangers awaited me ahead...