Maze Runner FanFic

Maze Runner FanFic

“Teresa! Thank goodness you’re safe. Where’s Selene?” Thomas shook Teresa awake.

“Thomas? What’s going on? Is Selene okay?” She started panicking.

“Calm down Teresa. We’re getting out of here. Where’s Selene?” Teresa pulled out the oxygen tubes and took a deep breath. She pointed to the glass window into the next room.

“She’s over there; in the next room.” Thomas nodded and moved her off the bed.

“Fry Pan, grab that other chair! We need to break the glass!” Fry Pan nodded and grabbed the chair. They launched their chairs at the glass and it shattered.

“Come on everyone let’s go!” Thomas yelled and Teresa put a blanket over the window frame. They all climbed over and Thomas yanked the curtain off the rod around the bed. Selene was still as death with an oxygen mask on. Her hair was still covering her right eye, but you could almost see her eyelids.

“Selene!” Thomas yelled and shook her. She didn’t move. Thomas yanked off the mask and waited. After a few breaths, she woke with a start.

“What’s going on?” She yelled clutching her gut. She made a bunch of gestures with her hands and started getting up. Teresa helped her off the bed.

“Are you serious?” She asked and led Selene to the door.

“What is it?” Minho asked. Teresa was about to answer when Selene elbowed her. She made more gestures and Teresa nodded.

“It’s not my place to say Minho.” Thomas was about to press the matter further when the door on the other side of the glass frame boomed.

“They’ve found us!” Newt exclaimed and ran to the other door. The others followed closely behind. He threw the door open and saw a guard about to open it. There was a brief pause before Newt shot the gun into his gut. There weren’t any bullets, but the guy went down with electricity covering his body. Selene’s hands went flying.

“Don’t wanna be him right now.” Teresa translated. Fry Pan chuckled. They all ran past the fallen guard and bolted for the door. Thomas turned the latch and the door creaked open. Sand blew into their eyes as they ran into the sandstorm and disappeared into the night.

Sorry if this one is shorter than the others.
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