Modern Horrorfilms or why bad creepypastas are actually genius

Modern Horrorfilms or why bad creepypastas are actually genius

So,i just recently watched some pretty badly written horrorfilms,also read bad creepypastas and came to an realisement:
bad things are bad
Most modern horrorfilms are similair to poorly written creepypastas(not saying that there arent good ones,i might even show more respect to good ones due to that)
Lets look at the similairities:
-Unnessascary Gross Out/Over the top Gore
-Non sensical "scientific" expalanation
-The only reason the villain mutilated himself,is to be different from the rest of the dull villains
-Immortal Villains
-Anticlimatic Endings
-The wonderful phenomen of almost nothing happening the whole film/story
-Bad plot formation/All over the place plot
-Reusing old horror concepts WAY too often
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Or it's just stuck ina place being picked off one by one intill the jerk leader gets into a riot against the hero for some reason then in the middle of the guy gets killed
or they break into an creepy house in the forest to use the bathroom an then get killed(i still dont get why they did that)
To be fair though, most horror movies, even good ones, have crappy stories just to set up 2 hours of unlikable people being brutally murdered
or unlikely people walking in circles through a forest to find a dead bird