Pokémon stories pt 1

Pokémon stories pt 1

Nice story! I like the cliffhanger st the end. It gives the reader room to make their own guesses on what happened next. Your next story? Maybe it could be about... Bagon! I'd like to see a Bagon's perspective on life, and dealing with it's temporary inability to fly, making it's dream hard to achieve.
Thanks! ^^ I tend to keep the end open so the reader has to guess, it allows more freedom to the user. Right now the suggestions I've heard are Bagon an Gardevior so I suppose they'll be next. :)
Magikarp fun fact: in Chinese (or Japanese Im not sure) folklore a carp that jump up a waterfall 3 times become a dragon (Thai culture tied closely to Chinese so I heard of these sometime before)
mayne that is also a reason Magikarp evolve at levels 30
Jup, I know, the story is pretty well-known all over the world. :) It's a really motivating myth. I didn't know Tai Culture was so related to Chinese though, I though they were quite different.