Smash Bros. Battle Series:1-  Fire & Water:Mario VS Greninja

Smash Bros. Battle Series:1- Fire & Water:Mario VS Greninja


Mario jumped out of his Warp Pipe, ready for a fight. Greninja hopped out of his Pokeball, also looking for a fight. The announcer started, "3..2..1.." They were ready. "GO!" Mario shot a fireball. Greninja dodged it. Greninja shot a Hydro Shuriken. Mario dodged it. Mario dashed at it for a flaming punch, while it stood there charging another Hydro Shuriken. Mario kept on running, and when the time came, he threw his punch, and Greninja fired its Shuriken. Both flinched. Mario got back on his feet, but Greninja was reflected of the Colosseum borders and falls to the ground. "Get up when you're ready," The trainer said. The announcer said, "1..2.." Before three, the Greninja got up. "Two extra platforms and a lava pit will be added to the Colosseum!" The announcer said. Like said, two platforms appeared on the ground and rose, while the middle of the rocky stadium crumbled, a hole appearing, filled with lava. Mario jumped over the pit. He laid on his back. Greninja came at him, but he grabbed it arm and threw it in the lava. Greninja emerged with its butt on fire. It came back at him for payback, but he dodged and released a blast of fire from his palm, launching the Pokemon across the stadium. "1..2..3.." "No!" The trainer cried. "Game Set!"The announcer said, so excited the mic was drenched in spit. "The winner is Mario!"
Henry 25313
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This sounds and looks interesting!Go for it!