Blog Critics

Blog Critics

After being pelted by a bunch of useless criticism, I'm starting to think that 3ds Pedia Blog is just not worth it, and that I should just stay at Smashboards.
But I think you guys can change, so here are some ways 3ds Pedia critics can make a better blog forum.
If something is wrong with my stories at Smashboards, the members tell me nicely what's wrong. But here? Everyone has to pelt me and assail me about what's wrong. I mean, come on. You know what to do. People give me bad comments for no reason and on purpose so I have a bad all time rating, then go and get glory from other 3ds Pedia users, or give them good feedback. It's unfair. If people stopped doing that, this would be a much better place to blog on. Also, stop saying dumb stuff to people's stories like, "Wat", or, "Grow up kid," because it's very disrespectful and doesn't help.

Afterword: If you can't criticize someone nicely, best not be a critic at all.
Henry 25313
Posted on
1.42 star(s) 19 ratings

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AS a artists I know what good critisism is i have seen no bad criticism on your stories they r just trying to help u. u just done want to listen to people's advice.
Hey. I know you're probably gonna not accept this. But your stories do have potential. Allot of people are pointing out stuff that could make it better. If you want to leave to smashboards, then whatever, go on ahead.
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
Oh, there's the person who can't vote fairly.
Ugh SmashBoard
Oh dear.... Not this again. You are misunderstanding something very important about criticism: its purpose is designed to help you improve, not intended to put you down. You are taking criticism far too personally, my friend. Its not a form of hatred, obnoxiousness, etc--none of that is why people criticise here. If people dont tell you what you did wrong or what you can improve on, how will you learn from your mistakes? One very important aspect of life is learning from error. If nobody learned from their wrongs, the whole world would literally be in an eternal war: people would go insane and do all kinds of bad things to each other thinking they are always right about everything.

Im not trying to flame you or hate you here in any way, im trying to help educate you here on the importance of criticism. But seeing how youve replied to the others here, i wont be surprised if you continue saying and thinking me and everyone else is out to make you mad, out to get you and make you as miserable as possible, etc..... I will leave the rest up to you, whether you think outside the box here or choose to retain the attitude you seem to have here. What i can do is try to help as im attempting to here. But like everyone else, i cant make the choice for you.
Well, nice job on your paragraphs. Better than last time.

On a more critical note I quote Jacksepticeye when I say this: "IRONY OVERDOSE! IRONY OVERDOSE!"

You rated 1 star on one of Pokefreak's blogs (For no apparent reason but spiteful revenge) and you're telling US to rate more fair? Buddy, if you think the Pedia is a hateful place, don't start a YouTube channel. Like ever.

You started the vicious cycle of hate when you got angry at us for giving you bad ratings. Quit blaming anyone else.

If you really want to improve (I'm not sure why no one recommended this yet) check out arguably some of the best story writers' storys on the pedia.

Makoto's Mansion

Toxic Manor

PersonSP's short storys.

(Lel, he's probably blocked me by now meaning he'll never see this review)
No m8, stay, I love your bad stories.
If it makes you feel better, I do get a kick out of your blogs.
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
Oh, thanks.
What they said
Dude listen to criticism. We were trying to help when you began making stories. But you reject our advice to help you. We could've said your blogs were trash along with a "get out" but we saw potential in your stories. That is why we gave criticism. So please learn to accept it.
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
1 star for mentioning smash boards
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
They're much nicer than you guys.