

As you all probably don't know, exactly last year, I joined Pedia. The Mayans predicted my arrival. But today's topic? 10 facts about me. These facts are as true as the stories I tell about a guy robbing my neighbor in the SB.

1. I'm really 17. It's true.

2. I'm not a cat, but my family are all cats.

3. My favorite game is Call of Duty: Ghosts and FNAF 3.

4. I do pretty good in school. Straight As good.

5. I think Sonic is a horrible franchise and should die.

6. My favorite food is my mom's spaghetti.

7. I'm very hype for FNAF Worlds.

8. I own an iPhone 6.

9. I have been suspended from school 3 times, the first for vandalizing the bathrooms, the second for cussing at my teacher, and the third for drawing dank memes all over my Science teacher's white board.

10. I think that everyone on Pedia is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Okay, okay. I said all of those facts aren't true. I lied. One of them is actually true. First person who guesses which fact is fact gets 5 PC. I repeat, 5 PC. but only if you rate 5 stars, too. kekekekekeke I'm seriously glad that I can call this place my third home. Also, if you care enough about me, I'll open a Interrogation thread so you guys can find out what's going on in my edgy brain. Thanks guy, and have a Merry Chirstmas. Seriously, you guys are the best.

On a side note, I watch this video to sleep every night, I hope you enjoy it:
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4.47 star(s) 15 ratings

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You can't be as edgy as me. And rate 5 and guess for 5 PC? Pfft.
Dank memes >.< Five or ten
10, why? Because I'm awesome, and I'm on Pedia, of course :P
None are true :3
I'm gonna go with 8. Mainly because no one else has picked that one yet. :P
I dunno why, but you and Ace seem younger than you guys really are.
The dank memes cracked me up.
I love the Eagle Dance. \o/
We all know you're a Call of Duty: Ghosts fanCAT :sneaky:

See what I did there? :P
Given how much you've trashed talked fnaf, it wouldn't surprise me if #7 was true and you're like a closet fnaf fanboy
Number 5. Most definitley #5