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The many dreams of Dragovian

I'm still sick today, so I'm not at school. I was sleeping when I had a multitude of seperate dreams before waking up. I'd like to share these with all of you. In chronological order, of course.

-The Artemis Fowl Dream

Dream start. I was part of the fairy team in Artemis Fowl, but I never bothered to ask why. This took place in my school on the playground.We were sneaking behind people and shooting them with fairy guns designed to simply knock them out. I asked why we didn't just turn invisible like in the books, but one said it's more fun this way. I shot someone in the back, and I kept going. Someone noticed and complained to his yard supervisor about him being unconscious, and told her he had a bad feeling about this. Another classmate of mine noticed me, and asked to see the gun in my pocket. I told him it's a toy, but he must have realized what fairy technology is, and I got in trouble. Dream End.

-The Tien Dream (DBZ Tien)

I somehow got in contact with child Goku and his friends because time travel. Out of the whole group there was one guy I didn't recognize. I asked Goku, and his name was Tien. I was shocked, because past Tien looked exactly like etika. I told Tien to come sit with me, so I could tell him about how strong he became in the future. He was very picky with seats, and when we chose one it was very flimsy. My weight, added on to Tien's weight and two other unknown people sent the chair backwards and I comically fell down a very, very long way. For some reason, I was not injured at all. I went back up mad at Tien at first, but then told him about how strong he and Goku got. I began by saying "Goku's a god now" and I continued on, Dream End

-The Kid Gohan in Minecraft Dream
(Note:Every human had the DBZ art style, everything else was blocks. Also Also, Gohan didn't think of flying off. Strange.)

Gohan and Chichi were in Minecraft. He wanted to prove he was strong by building a house, but chichi was screaming at him to not go. He ran off, and climbed a large amount of dirt hoping to see monsters he could kill. There was nothing there. Gohan was way too scared to get down, so Chichi (a really mad chichi at that) called the fire department. A couple of firefighters came with ladders to tell Gohan to hold on and get down. Gohan was scared, even after the pretty nice firefighter talked to him. One other firefighter suggested to build a roller coaster so Gohan could get down.(The Minecraft kind of roller coaster) Gohan was supplied a mine cart, the firefighters began to build. They messed up by making it 1 block too short, so Gohan wouldn't fit. Gohan began to punch all the rocks they placed, and this meant Gohan got down on his own without using a roller coaster. Oh, did I mention his KI blasts made ladders come out after they destroyed the general area? Dream End.

So I just woke up, and I shared this all with you guys. I hope you had a good laugh.

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i lol'd
Odds dreams lol