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The rise and fall of Pandora Gaming, and the story of a slime.

image.jpg This blog details my story. This is how I came to be and essentially my backstory, and the story of my home forum. Without further ado, enjoy.

The Rise

A few years ago I was a normal guy, just browsing the Internet and playing games like anyone else would. I was going to play Pokemon Tower Defense, a game which I am still very fond of today. When I went to the homepage of the game and the maker Sam did his normal blog post, I saw him write about a shiny mew giveaway, which was and still is the rarest pokemon in the game. It was made by his good friends at pandora gaming and we were supposed to sign up there to enter. I clicked the link, and unable to think of a good username I simply came up with DaShinyMew, since I was joining at the time purely because of the giveaway. Just a few more clicks and bam, I joined what was my first forum and what I consider my home forum. The site founder named Marc (sounds familiar? I know I was shocked too when I joined here to find the same username for the founder here) gave me the tour and I quickly joined the giveaway. I won a shiny Pikachu and moltres, not the mew I was looking for. However, I was able to trade them in for currency which intrigued me. This currency could be traded with others who played PTD to get even more pokemon, and it was like a whole connected trading network! I eventually saved up for a shiny mew or ten and proceeded to give away a few to the first person who said "Shiny Mew" in the Shoutbox. I met friends dear and near to me such as The Starf is A Lie, Sonic Blader, Shadow Kingdra(currently known as Starlight Danny),Marc and Purpl3 who eventually ended up being a happy couple, Snowy, and quite a few more! The forum even had its own Pokemon RPG in which I was one of the best, if not the best player with my shiny Dragonite. I believe it is shut down which saddens me dearly. The forum helped me mature and grow and learn many new things! With plenty of giveaways, a great community, an rpg, and a trading interface I didn't see what would be next, which is what is known as....

The Downfall

With so many great things about it I didn't see what would come next. As people did not win the giveaways all the time and PTD's activity took a short little bump Pandoras activity shot down. Although it was slowly, losing only a few members at first,more and more left or went on hiatus until there was barely a website left. Sure you can go see that many people were on that day you sign in but they only log in for 5 minutes, don't post anything, and sign off. Eventually there wasn't much of a forum left, and the final nail in the coffin was the forum hack. Sure marc was able to recover the forum and revamp it with a sleeker look but with the forum being offline while he fixed it people just lost interest. The fall of pandora had arrived and there was nothing we could do to stop it. We were defeated.

The Story Of a Slime

Let's flashfoward to June of 2014, After a week of searching for "FREE ESHOP CARD GENERATOR" I had given up and I saw this site. I signed up and when I saw there was forum currency and the maker was also named Marc nostalgia struck me and I decided to stay for a bit to see if this place was any good. To my surprise I saw an active bustling community whose members reminded me of some of my closest old friends, giveaways, and a pc trading network. I became hooked and I stayed on, leading to the birth of "to confuse our enemies" and my one year anniversary. And today, a new thing has been born...this blog.

Well, that sums everything up. If you managed to read the whole thing I feel I should congratulate you. This was my story. If you actually have any thoughts you could rate down below. See you.

Latest Comments

time to make a random hashtag!
That's really amazing. It's been fun here for me as well.
I wish I started out from a bustling community. I cried evrytiem.

Good story bro.
Great Story :D