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The Story Of Bob!

Here's a little story passed down from generations before told over campfires, which will find a place in anyone's heart for years.

Not so long ago there was a man named Bob. Bob lived in a house. It was a pretty normal house with the latest electronic gizmos. However, there was one thing not quite right about his house. He had a goat. The nameless goat was Bob's gift from his father, who lived with his mother in another state. (Bob had to move to get a job) Bob and his goat spent lots of time together! Even though Bob used his electronics once in a while he ate,slept,and had fun with the goat for many years! However, once the latest laptop was released, the goat saw a change in Bob. Bob became more glued to his computer screen. Although it was just a mild discomfort at first, Bob's addiction grew day by day until he literally used it 16 hours a day and stopped going to work and paying attention to his beloved goat! The goat promptly decided it had enough,and knew what it had to do. The goat tore apart Bob's house, leaving only his precious laptop and Internet, and ran away with a sad look on its face. Now Bob was broke,jobless, his house was a wreck,he had no food or water, and he was alone. However, Bob had an idea of how he could change his situation around. The idea was so just might work. Each day,growing hungrier and thirstier, Bob worked on a game on his laptop. It was made in memory of his goat and it's destructive rampage. After 6 days it was done. It was called Goat Simulator. Long story short,Bob lived long enough to watch his money come in, and he became a millionaire. He bought himself a nice house. A car, and he didn't even need a job! And finally, Bob bought his treasured goat back. Now Bob played with his goat, just like old times. The only difference was:He's was 20 million bucks richer.

The end!
(a new joke pokemon theory will be up soon)

Latest Comments

the true origin of goat simulator.
made me cry everytim
It's decent enough.I didn't cry but it was a little sad at one point.but then he got a better life.what if this is a true story?Because there IS a Goat simulator that you Ram into a house and stuff
I cri evry tim ;-;
Nameless Voodoo God will murder all!