What newbies do when they sign up at the shoutbox

What newbies do when they sign up at the shoutbox

So true
Funny and sad at the same time. Also what does the photo have to do with the subject? It looks messed up.
Lol I have no idea
To an extent asking about play coins/posting isn't necessarily bad, as long as begging isn't involved, it's just a common question at this point.

Other than that, yea, so true. Funny and sad at the same time...
The 1st one is probably the most annoying out of them. .-.
Yep xD the first one is what everyone always does :P
Yeah... I spend nearly all my forum time in the SB and, while it IS nice to help a new member every once in a while, it gets annoying fast. Anyway, thanks for posting this, because I'm sure every one of us has been annoyed by it, and I'm also sure that every one of us has done the same thing :P
Lawl. Sad because it shows how selfish they are and that they didn't read at all. xD
I'm fine with helping new members. The beggars tick me off though .-.
Same.... But they usually get mad and leave anyway
so true minus the Curse and rage at @Alex thats mean nova your funny