A new Animal Crossing??

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Towns Folk
Lol,I probably have no business here since I don't have the Animal Crossing for 3DS,but I'll just say this,ok? XD So at dinner earlier tonight,my younger bro tells me about this new Animal Crossing game coming out.I'm like:"Dude,are you serious? Folks are still playing AC:NL"! :eek: Think that's true,is there a new Animal Crossing game on its way to our Eshops??
I don't think so, i check gaming news everyday and i haven't anything of a new Animal Crossing game coming to the eShop. I hope your brother is not confusing Fantasy Life for another Animal Crossing even though it does share some similarities lol xD Besides Nintendo would have made a announcement if this was true :)
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Oh yeah? Ok,that's what I thought,lol. I knew Nintendo couldn't have been moving that fast! XD
if there is another animal crossing game, nintendo will announce it! and of course it is too early for a new animal crossing game.
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I do foresee a new Animal Crossing game, but I doubt it will come anytime soon, at least for this year. I also don't know which console it'll be for >.< Anyways, as Caius said, Nintendo can't be moving that fast x
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I would be ok with an Animal Crossing game for the Wii U next year.
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I predict a Wii U AC will be released someday, since they made that AC Plaza thing, and they already have models of villagers made on the Wii U, so why not? =)
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@TheDekuLegacy :True that,they did,lol.So it might come later next year,maybe? Wonder what kind of stuff they'll add? I've never even played AC:NL,so I really can't say what I'd expect from a newer Animal Crossing in general. :p
There is not another official Animal Crossing game out yet, but there are some ACNL characters in the game Monster Huntrer 4 coming out soon. And yes people still play Animal Crossing :p
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  • #10
Yep, AC stuff in MH4 but I'd say too soon for there to be another AC game. Definitely not another one on handheld until Nintendo make a new one, maybe one on Wii U if they feel as if it can be better than NL.
  • #11
I wouldn't want a new animal crossing game to come out for a while. Tons of people are still playing New Leaf which has only been out for about a year. Some of my friends are just experiencing it. And if they were to make a new one it should be on handheld (maybe even another one for 3ds) because Animal Crossing Games on handheld are always way better then the console. Even Wild World was better then City Folk and Wild World had the best sales out of the orignal and city folk.
  • #12
There isn't an announced Animal Crossing game as yet. But I do think a new installment of this franchise would make it's way unto the Wii U pretty soon! It's a bit too early for Nintendo's E3 Presentation Speculations; but I have a gut-feeling that at E3 2015, there will be a new Animal Crossing announced. :bag:

I'm a huge fan of the series now, and I feel like the Wii U deserves an Animal Crossing. I think after Super Smash Bros. 4, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, X, Hyrule Warriors, the Wii U would have a large enough install base, and Nintendo would feel the need to put a new Animal Crossing unto that platform. I'll just wait and see to be honest.
  • #13
I agree with @TheDekuLegacy in saying that there probably will be an Animal Crossing for the Wii U within the next year or two. If they are working on a new Animal Crossing, then it's not too far into development, considering that not even the tiniest leak of info has occurred.
  • #14
I would love it if they made a new animal crossing. I love all of the animal crossing's from the original for the GameCube to city folk to animal crossing new leaf.
  • #15
No it isn't. Maybe your brother is kidding you (like I sometimes do to my brother saying that a new pokemon game is out) or he read something wrong on the internet or he is confusing it with Fantasy Life.
  • #16
a new Animal Crossing game is pretty early to be honest lol I just got ACNL last month >.> lol OK I just got Animal Crossing: New Leaf just a month ago lol And I can't go to Nintendo Zones since its too far away from my place to get exclusives lol I hope I have the 7 Eleven stuff when it was available but alas, I didn't have a 2DS back then lol
  • #17
a new Animal Crossing game is pretty early to be honest lol I just got ACNL last month >.> lol OK I just got Animal Crossing: New Leaf just a month ago lol And I can't go to Nintendo Zones since its too far away from my place to get exclusives lol

Early for you maybe, but New Leaf has been out since Novemeber of 2012, and while that isn't an extremely long, I am expecting a new AC game fairly soon, maybe this time for the Wii U? Since the Gamecube, there has been one for every console/handheld. The Gamecube got one, the DS got one, the Wii got one, and now the 3DS has one.

However, I would understand why the Wii U didn't get one before the 3DS. This is the peak year for the Wii U as far as sales go, so it makes sense to release or at least start/announce a new Animal Crossing game this year.
  • #18
I think it might be possible. I hope it is :D

Nintendo is good at secret, so who knows? They could be producing a new one right now. I honestly just find it unlikely because I feel like the current ACNL had everything I wanted. I guess A new one could be made, but I'd feel like I'd get bored.
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  • #19
@rawrrie :Ikr? I wonder what it'll be like?
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  • #20
If they made a new AC game anytime soon, people would get pretty mad.:nailbiting:
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