Are stars really visible where you live?

  • Thread starter Tuzo
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  • #21
I live in the country, so I often get to see the stars, there are thousands in the night sky where I live. You can find many of the constellations, though as the months pass...lately they been building houses in my neighborhood blocking most of the view.

Too in my neighborhood you could see fireworks from your house that played in the there's a huge house in my backyard and I can't see them anymore.
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  • #22
Since I live in the country as long as there is no clouds I can see them every night
  • #23
No, I live on the outskirts of a major city,Southampton. Also, I live right next to a motorway soo the lights orb the cars affect us too. However I do see the stars when I go to my Nanas house as she lives in the highlands, the top of Scotland.
  • #24
Mostly I would see some stars up in the sky where I live ;) It really looks nice and sometimes they're just dotted all over the place . Sometimes though , I would just see a clear black sky in the night , most of the time the clouds cover them and sometimes I can't even determine :p
  • #25
NYC is not the ideal place to see stars, though there are a few sprinkled here and there around my neighborhood (around 5 or 6). I'd love to just lie down on grass somewhere one night and marvel at a starry sky.
  • #26
it's beautiful! the Light of the Stars descends upon us like a million lanterns, the night sky is bathed with the Light of hundreds of flares that never goes out, the moon Illuminates the floor and the serene mist shines around us, it is wonderful!
  • #27
I'm not sure how to classify the type of place where I live, it's sort of a city, but with none of that big building and such, it also depends on a lot of other things, sometimes I can see the stars as early as 7 pm :D and on some days, we will see a TON of stars, or none at all!