Closed Auctioning off Club Nintendo Elite Reward (Plat or Gold) CONGRATS TO ESTEBANTILL2!!

  • Thread starter BacklogGamer
  • Start date
  • #101
Last minute warning! This auction ends at 12:00AM tonight! (pedia time) place your bids!
Last edited:
  • #102
sorry, do you mean it ends just in an hour and 15 minutes?
  • #103
12AM midnight pedia time. ;-; stupid timezones :bag:
  • #104
ok thanks
  • #105
12AM midnight pedia time. ;-; stupid timezones :bag:

So this is over now right?
  • #106
i bid all my pc for a Mariokart7 code
  • #107
do i have the highest bid
  • #108
@Antrix not yet. you have until midnight tonight pedia time. I'll notify when the auction is over by editing the title.

@DarkLord currently yes if that's a serious bid, but please put an actual number in the future since that's kinda unfair when "all your pc" is constantly going up as you post. as i'm reading your post right now, i'll count it as 1,114 pc.

there seems to be a bunch of little details that i keep missing with this. but it's honestly not as important to me as my old contest so meh... just have to be more clear next time i guess...
  • #109
u know what change it to a 1000 pc since it will still be the highest
  • #110
lol fair enough. glad i didn't accept Esteban's wanting to bypass the bidding for 1050 before :sneaky:
  • #111
so u r saying i have the highest bid?
  • #112
currently, yes. before you the highest bid was 715 pc. you can lower it back down if you want, but with any luck it'll shoot back up before tonight. :p down to less then 1000, but above 715 of course. cuz bids don't work in reverse :rotfl:
  • #113
good to know i have the highest bid since i want this game. 'i'm having a hard time choosing between island tour and mk 7.I shall leave my bid at 1000 pc.
  • #114
well ya gotta win the auction first. :sneaky:
  • #115
i have the highest bid so i'm winning
  • #116
winning is not won young lord. :artist:
  • #117
tell me when u want meh to send over the pc since i might not be on for the night
  • #118
there will be plenty of time to redeem the reward after my auction. part of the reason i only made it a week. but there are still people with more pc that could outbid you. it's up to them if they really want to or not though. 2 hours remain.
  • #119
Gah out of my price range all of a sudden. Oh well, fun while it lasted.
  • #120
30min remain :whistle:
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Reactions: Antrix