Avatar - The Last Airbender

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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  • #21
I liked the Last Airbender one quite a bit, but some parts just didn't do it for me! It went from being really good to bad and then good again lots of times throughout the series and it was tiring after a bit! For example, a large portion of the "Earth" part was just too boring to enjoy! Still, it was a great series overall! As for the one with Korra, I really disliked that one, as it was both boring and lame!

PS: And just for the record, Avatar isn't an anime! (still a good series though)
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  • #22
anyone seen this anime? what did you think of it?

I've seen all episodes from all 4 seasons. I love it! <3

Toph is my favorite character. I liked Book 2: Earth the most. It was action packed and they met Toph in that season. ^^

I wish they made more episodes/seasons. =/
Toph is the best character hands down. I grew up with this, and it took me a long time to learn that this was considered an anime XD. I like avatar better than Korra
  • #23
It's not anime though, it's a western cartoon inspired by Asia; for example, Chinese martial arts and Japanese anime style, but it's still very much a western production.