Best Old Nintendo System

  • Thread starter Demon_skeith
  • Start date

Which before Wii era system was the best?

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  • #21
SNES is the greatest game console of all time in my opinion, but I'm an RPG guy so that bias is more than obvious. Earthbound is my forth favorite game of all time and right before it Chrono Trigger. So you can tell why the SNES has such a special place to me.
  • #22
I say the GameCube is the best old system because the GameCube has better graphics then the NES and the SNES combined so yeah I say the gamecube =P
  • #23
I say the GameCube is the best old system because the GameCube has better graphics then the NES and the SNES combined so yeah I say the gamecube =P
Well, I didn't based my decision towards the topic "Best Old Nintendo System" on the graphics, I based it mostly on the games that were created for it, I would choose a better storyline and well developed characters over graphics any day :)
  • #24
The 64 certenly, it took gaming in a new chalenging level and succeded !
  • #25
I've gotta say the GameCube. I've had so many memories playing Mario Party on there and it was like the best friggin game ever :). I dont really know much about the SNES or any of the other ones so i guess im not really a reliable source but just saying, the Came Cube is totally elite
  • #26
I only had NES and played that for...10 years, the cheapest back then. I even bought two systems because the old one was broken, so I could play the cartridges I had. Mighty Final Fight, Jetman, Chip and Dale were some memorable games.
Eventually my neighbor bought SNES so I could take a peek.