Clash of the Queens!

  • Thread starter 8150
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  • #241
I suppose so :p
  • #242
I couldn't do much, since my parents extended it, but now I can start helping again
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Reactions: Duster and 2179
  • #243
Ooh, they pulled the grounding extension cheddar. Sorry man :/
  • #244
Maybe revive this RP?
  • #245
I'm finally able to help again, I'm working on redoing the stats system to balance it out
  • #246
  • #247
  • #248
I'm still working on the stats, I just got a ton of things interrupting me
  • #249
Want help?
  • #250
huh i thought this was dead for good
  • #251
As far as i remember, someone wasted PC to place an ad for this... Seems like a gr8 investment ;)
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Reactions: Robbie and Sans
  • #252
This is still alive? Holy crap! 0-0
  • #253
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Reactions: JaxLeo and Sans
  • #254
  • #255
i am still here just not as actiev
  • #256
Its he.
  • #257
Its alive o-o
  • #258
Yes he's back.
Back Again
  • #259
I'm back, sorry, I'll get back to working on it
  • #260
New update, also, some things got balance updates


Damage is calculated by attack power - defense + attack(or if special attack then use special stats) = Damage output
Each person starts with 4 attacks and as time goes on they get more(they level up when they defeat/retreat an opponent, they get 10 exp. get 100 to level up)
Special attacks have elements, certain ppl may have resistance or weakness to certain elements
If someone has a weakness to something, they take 2x damage (and weakness works pretty much the same way)

Name: King Sofa
Personality: Tries to be the peaceful guy, prefers to just sit back and chill in his castle with his Metroids instead of actually doing stuff :p
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Queen Mad's side
Skill: Metroid powerz, also has his little Metroid subjects
Weapon: Metroid-fangy-thingies
Preferred Job: King of his kingdom :p (If ye'll all allow that, considering it was what I was before this rp was made :p)
Element: Metroid


HP: 150
Atk.: 20
Def.: 20
Sp. Atk.: 20
Sp. Def.: 15
MP: 30


Metroid Bite, Attack Power: 30
Bites the enemy (duh)

Metroid Leech, Attack Power: 10, Special Statuses: Stuck, MP Consumption: 10, Type: Physical, Element: Metroid
Latches onto opponent's head, neither cannot move for 3 turns, each turn stuck damages the opponent more

Metroid Beam, Attack Power: 40, Special Statuses: N/A, MP Consumption: 10, Type: Special, Element: Metroid
Fires a beam at the opponent

Metroid Squad, Attack Power: 50, Special Statuses: N/A, MP Consumption: 20, Type: Special, Element: Metroid
Summons squad of metroids to attack enemy

Name: Queen Ethereal
Personality: is quite nice and understanding to her subjects unless she is displeased, u have to know her well to see what emotion she is showing she can be a little strange but not as strange as Toxic is.
Crush: open
Skill: Nothingness and the ability to make her drawings come alive she can change and destroy these creations/drawings at will these creations serve her and her subjects.
Weapon: A paintbrush staff is the size of a normal Paintbrush when not in use
Job: Queen
Side:The Queendom of Nothingness
Class: Mage Summoner

HP: 200
Atk.: 15
Def.: 15
Sp. Atk.: 25
Sp. Def.: 20
MP: 35
Element: Nothingness

Ethereal Strike, Attack Power: 30
Swings her staff to attack

Nothingness Blast, Attack Power: 40, Special Statuses: Reduces Sp. Atk. of opponent by 1, MP Consumption: 10, Type: Special, Element: Nothingness
Fires a blast of Nothingness from her staff

Art Summon (Plane), Attack Power: 50, Special Statuses: N/A, MP Consumption: 20, Type: Special, Element: Nothingness
Summons paper airplanes that hurt the enemy by causing extreme papercuts

Dark Corridors, Attack Power: N/A, Special Statuses: Dodges next attack, MP Consumption: 25, Type: Status
Creates a dark portal, negates all damage from the next attack

Name: Toxic
Gender: MAN!!! *^*
Personality: Very strange. Has a tendency to switch between moods, and depending on the person, is either nice and friendly, or psychopathic and disturbing. That said, he's never boring, and as a result, never predictable, like Ethereal
Allegiance: Isn't it obvious? I JUST CANT WAIT TO BE QUEEEEEEEEN :singing:
Skill: Setting traps for enemies
Weapon: Dual swords, one glowing green that can poison my foes, one glowing red and is made of lava.
Class: Berserker

HP: 150
Atk.: 30
Def.: 10
Sp. Def.: 10
MP: 30


Sword Strike, Attack Power: 30
Attacks with dual blades, does not cause status problems

Toxic Sword, Attack Power: 30, Special Statuses: Poison (deals 2 damage every turn, before weaknesses), MP Consumption: 10, Type: Physical, Element: Poison
Attacks with the toxic sword, causes poison

Flame Sword, Attack Power: 30, Special Statuses: Burn (deals 2 damage every turn, before weaknesses), MP Consumption: 10, Type: Physical, Element: Fire
Attacks with the flame sword, causes burn

Trap, Power: N/A, Statuses: N/A, MP Consumption: 20, Type: Status, Elelment: Machinery
Sets a trap that does 30 damage next turn(strenght/weakness does not apply)

Name: Tiny
Gender: Both. :sneaky:
Personality: Always goes for the pockets.
Allegiance: Team Toxic cause he has no friends and I feel bad for him.
Skill: Can pickpocket people.
Weapon: Steel dagger stolen from a blacksmith. I hardly use it though because I'm afraid of blood.
Preferred Job: Petty theif, and an orphan.
best character 11/10 Arkem nite comfim

Knife Blow, Attack Power: 30

Pickpocket, Attack Power: N/A, Special Statuses: N/A

Heal, Attack Power: N/A, Statuses: Heals 30 HP to the user, MP Consumption

Allegiance: Ethreals side
Skill:Fire bending
Weapon:Locket of Fire
Preferred Job: General

Name: Rsngamer
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, but brave and cares about what remained of his personal army after an old war
Allegiance: Queendom of Nothingness
Weapon: Falchion
Preferred Job: Tactician
Class: Tactician

HP: 100
Atk.: 20
Defense: 20
Sp. Atk.: 25
Sp. Def.: 20
MP: 40
Element: Light


Falchion Strike, Attack Power: 30
Attacks enemy with a slash from the Falchion

Logic Burst, Attack Power: 10, Special Statuses: Raises Sp. Atk. by 3, MP Consumption: 10, Type: Special, Element: Light
Uses logic to think of a solution, it also damages the enemy

Odd Attack, Power: 70, Statuses: N/A, MP Consumption: 30, Type: Special, Element: ???
An attack that, if using it once more will kill the opponent, the damage will instead be dealt as 10HP every turn, though the user can still use items, it seems as though this attack has not reached its full power, or that it degraded over time

Triple Strike, Attacks Power: 50, Special Statuses: N/A, MP Consumption: 20, Type: Special, Element: Electricity, Air, Fire
Attacks with Forseti, Mjonir and Bolganone in succession, exploits all 3 elements strenghts (but not weaknesses unless all 3 share that weakness)

Name: Furno
Gender: Male
Personality: depends on current situation.
Allegiance: Queen Toxic
Skill: Everything DBZ related but nerfd to be not OP.
Weapon: Lightbreak sieres of weapons from MH4U.
Preferred Job: Monster Hunter (Stops large monster from getting into the kingdom)


HP: 100
Atk.: 25
Def.: 25
Sp. Atk.:
Name: NormalNinja
Gender: Male
Personality: Really patient (a.k.a. can recon in the same place holding still for days)
Allegiance: Queendom of Nothingness
Skill: Master of evasion and stealth (smoke bombs, decoys, stuff like that...) and mains Lucina :D
Weapon: Throwing knifes and said smoke bombs, decoys and stuff like that
Class: Spy

Name: Sora The Ruler Of Light
Gender: Male
Personality: Is a little weird but calm most of the time
Allegiance: @ToxicWolf1132 aka QueenToxic
Skill: when is really bloody has Limit Break (from kh 358/2 days.Also, plz nerf that too op >_<)
Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Preferred Job: Police
Crush: N/A

Name: Sir Groudon
Gender: Male
Personality: Adamant and determined to win
Allegiance : Toxic's side
Skill: I can create whatever weapons you want, as long as they don't do 982357927359432975916237658912358+ damage.
Weapon: My weapon creator
Preferred Job: Weaponsmith/Soldier

Name: Porkron
Gender: Male
Personality: silent but very knowledgeable, easily "friends"
Allegiance: Team Etheral
Skill: Extensive knowledge
Weapon: Iron broadsword
Preferred Job: Healer

Name: "Wandering shield" Ethan

Gender: Male

Personality: come and go as pleased, mysterious and tend to do thing on his own interest.

Allegiance: join Queen Toxic's side on a whim after he heard of the upcoming war.

Skill: create an invisible spherical shield 2 M. In diameter can withstand even a catapult shot for a considerable amount of time.

Weapon: a mysterious thick worn out book he carry around, rumor said its a magic book but is just a ground less rumor.

Preferred Job: none in particular.

Ethan is look like a middle aged man with a bit of gray hair mix with his black hair, have a pretty sturdy build and alway have a smile on his face.

Sir Montifer Hitzeman the Third
Gets along with everyone and likes to sleep(like a cat)
Queen Ethereals side
I'm good at music
My music is so good it can make people fall asleep ( I had to nerf it, especially cuz it's more of an RPG than a shoutbox war [you know the ones])
I guess a bowgun like dark pits is my weapon
I would want to be a squire or a musician

Name: Raxter (can i be called that way here?)
Gender: Male
Personality: shy most of the time, is outgoing with people he trusts, always tries to go unnoticed, to the point that he sometimes comes out of nowhere like a ninja, sly, cunning, loyal, polite, serious... Very serious.
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): Toxic's Side
Skill: Scream of despair: Paralyzes opponents
Weapon: Ends of the earth & Fernir (with sych blade)
Preferred Job: Tactician, spy

Name: David
Gender: Male
Personality: Serious
Allegiance: Queen Toxic
Skill: Uses shadows and the wind to move silently and stealthily. Very agile and quick
Weapon: Bow and Arrow, small throwing knife, and a larger knife for close range combat
Preferred job: don't really know the theme so I'm gonna go with a Ranger or a spy

Name: Tatsumi
Gender: Male
Personality: Split personalities, his normal side is shy and cowardly, his other side shows when he fights, he turns into a fearless warrior who kills first and asks questions later
Allegiance: Queen Toxic (I would be betraying my trust to toxic if I chose ethereal)
Skill: Summoning and magic artes
Preferred job: General (I shall lead queen toxics forces to victory, and our enemies will burn in hell!!!)
Weapon: Vorpal Blades

Name: Juan Pablo "Pichi" Bezaury Perez, better known as Pichi or Pich1riloco.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Everything but nothing blended into a cup, so I may have a lot of personalities, that change with the situation, but mostly, childish, chocolatey, maybe serious in writing and grammar, all that stuff.
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): The Queendom of Nothingness of our lady Queen Ethereal Ruler of The Queendom of Nothingness.
Skill (NO OP CRAP LIKE INVINSIBILITY ): Eating, cooking, sleeping, maybe eating, and eating more, you know what else? Eating. And eating. Finally, eating.
Weapon: A big metal spoon of those that were used to serve food.
Preferred Job: Cooker, and eater. But also, maybe, The Seeker of Truth and Logic, which always leads to illogical alleys.

Name: Jfire
Gender: Male
Personality: Fiery, fierce and aggressive.
Allegiance: EtherealCereal
Skill : Shapeshifting
Weapon: Aerospray RG (In this setup, lets just make Ink slow down the other team and nullify their attacks while boosting our attacks and making us faster.
Preferred Job: Defending and turning into other animals to attack incoming people.

Name: Lubbock
Gender: Male
Personality: Brash
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): Queen Toxic
Skill : Agile
Weapon: Bows
Preferred Job: Archer

Name: TheFancyFedora
Gender: Male
Personality: Kinda energetic talkative a tiny bit shy to other people but you know a regular guy or i can let loose my bad side what ever you want
Skill: Well stubbing toes and gathering resources (mining in generally)
Weapons: Hook shot and a sword
Job: Miner

Name: Awasof Shelcal
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy but not easily fooled
Allegiance (what side you wanna join): QUEEN ETHEREAL/ Team ETHEREAL
Skill (NO OP CRAP LIKE INVINSIBILITY ): Speed, resistance to fire.
Weapon: Lightsaber
Preferred Job: Assassin

Name: Pixel
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, not-evil, HUGE desire to take down Queen Ethereal for no reason XD
Allegiance: Queen Toxic FTW >:3
Preferred Job: Technomancer