Closed Club Nintendo Game Giveaway (North America)

  • Thread starter Marc
  • Start date
  • #161

so...214 also :D
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  • #162
Uprising please anything
  • #163
  • #164
Am I entered or no cause I don't see my name in the participants
  • #165
How long will this go for
It'll end some time in April.
Did anyone adopt you yet? (see the sticky thread in the intro forum).
Am I entered or no cause I don't see my name in the participants
Have you read everything in the first post? If you're not in the list, you probably entered but didn't pass a requirement.
  • #166
@Marc I think Im qualified lol
  • #167
@Marc I think Im qualified lol
Nope =/ It's 10+ posts (that count towards post count) in the last 7 days before choosing a number ;-; Now it's 20 >.<
  • #168
Am I qualified? Sorry.


Can I have 2 numbers? 210 and 124

I hope I get Super Mario 3D Land.
  • #169
Am I qualified? Sorry.

Can I have 2 numbers? 210 and 124

I hope I get Super Mario 3D Land.
You don't pass the first requirement =/
  • #170
ok i have a few questions. 1 whats the dead line for entry? 2 when you say post 10 forums, can you please carify what you mean by those posts? and 3. after said requirments are met do we just p.m you the number we chose? please and thank you
  • #171
ok i have a few questions. 1 whats the dead line for entry? 2 when you say post 10 forums, can you please carify what you mean by those posts? and 3. after said requirments are met do we just p.m you the number we chose? please and thank you
"You MUST have posted at least 10 posts in forums that count towards post count at the 3DS Pedia forum in the previous 7 days before choosing your number(s). List of forums that count towards post count."

^ I think that's pretty clear.

The deadline is somewhere buried in my first post.

You make a post in this thread with the number(s) you choose.
  • #172
ok sorry i wasnt reading it right. i thought it said post count forums. so i didnt know what that meant lol. and thx
  • #173
Number 30 please
  • #174
I cannot wait to see who wins! First number is 216. Gold number is 33. Here is proof.
Screenshot 2015-02-09 at 12.27.15 PM.png

I would like to have Starfox 64 3d please if I win :D
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  • #175
I cannot wait to see who wins! First number is 216. Gold number is 33.
You can't cross #215.
  • #176
Can I enter in a gold number now? If so, I would like number 41, here's proof:

Here's better proof:
  • #177
I think i qualify my numbers will be 176, 78 thanks for doing this giveaway @Marc :)

do I count now @Marc i think i have
  • #178
  • #179
My first number would be 28, and my gold/platinum number would be 97. This kinda feels like the lottery to me... :p
  • #180
My first number would be 28, and my gold/platinum number would be 97. This kinda feels like the lottery to me... :p
You don't pass the first requirement plus you need to provide screenshot proof of your gold status at Club Nintendo. That means you need to get double the post count requirement now =/