Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #2,041
granted, but your shoulders start to ache just as much instead.

I wish to get a 5 on my bio AP on Monday
  • #2,042
you pass your AP class, but fail one needed to graduate
i wish Odyssey dlc came out
  • #2,043
Granted but it did. You were just late.

I wish for stuff
  • #2,044
Granted but it did. You were just late.

I wish for stuff
granted, your belly is super stuffed.

I wish I knew why.
  • #2,045
you know “y” but forget the rest of the alphabet

i wish nintendo doesnt patch the latest jump rope exploit
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  • #2,046
you know “y” but forget the rest of the alphabet

i wish nintendo doesnt patch the latest jump rope exploit
yyyyyyy, yyy yyyy yyyy yyyy yyyy yyyy yyy.
y yyyy y yyyyy yyy!
  • #2,047
wish granted you can now type normally again.

I wish to not have to study for my AP calc test
  • #2,048
granted, but now your answers must be written out
ex. one hundred twenty three million, four hundred fifty six thousand, seven hundred eighty nine instead of 123,456,789

i wish i didnt type that big number just to corrupt a wish
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  • #2,049
Granted, but your number keys break.

I wish for someone to revive The Last One to Post Wins
  • #2,050
Granted, but your number keys break.

I wish for someone to revive The Last One to Post Wins
yolo, im on an ipad, so they dont break
plz try corrupting it again
  • #2,051
Granted, but numbers are removed from iOS due to an exploit.

I (still) wish for someone to revive The Last One to Post Wins
  • #2,052
it got revived... at the cost of the web domain shutting down

i wish for the ios update to fix my numbers
  • #2,053
Granted, but your iPad is no longer supported, so you can't install it.

I wish for asdfmovie 11 to come out.
  • #2,054
Granted, but your iPad is no longer supported, so you can't install it.

I wish for asdfmovie 11 to come out.
granted, but it's a movie you have to pay 100$ to watch it once.
I wish I was the ultimate looser at "the last one to post looses"
  • #2,055
granted, you're the loser for one second before I become the next loser.

I wish it wasn't raining outside.
  • #2,056
granted, you're the loser for one second before I become the next loser.

I wish it wasn't raining outside.
... you don't know the meaning of "ultimate"?
granted, there is a violent sandstorm outside, and sand in also coming inside by any small hole.
I wish I was the last looser at the last one to post looses.
  • #2,057
Granted, you're the loser for one second before I become the next loser (I know I copy Copyed and pasted)

I wish for Good stuff
  • #2,058
I don't play anymore. It's been a couple of wishes ungranted because you guys didn't respect the whole statement!
I mean, come on! there are so many ways to corrupt a wish saying "I wish I was the ultimate looser at "the last one to post looses", a simple example: granted, but it's not on Nintenpedia, but in an abandoned forum where you're the last one who still remembers of it, btw the forum can't be hosted anymore either, so the proof of that is also erased.

My wish about the noisy machine I wanted to be broken and not be replaced could be corrupted as well: granted but now you have an earworm that makes you stay awake and you can't get rid of it, even during daytime!

My wish of
owning Nintendo could be granted too: granted but the day before you start being in function, you get hit by a car and have a severe shock on the head, as a result you have a total and permanent amnesia.

My wish
"I wish there were really good virtual assistants,like siri, but much better, that can do more things. (I don't even have siri, so...)" hasn't been really corrupted since Hal isn't "really good". You could have said it's owned by the Nasa and they don't publish that.
that's not the only ones but I'm not going to find all of them.
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  • #2,059
I don't play anymore. It's been a couple of wishes ungranted because you guys didn't respect the whole statement!
I mean, come on! there are so many ways to corrupt a wish saying "I wish I was the ultimate looser at "the last one to post looses", a simple example: granted, but it's not on Nintenpedia, but in an abandoned forum where you're the last one who still remembers of it, btw the forum can't be hosted anymore either, so the proof of that is also erased.

My wish about the noisy machine I wanted to be broken and not be replaced could be corrupted as well: granted but now you have an earworm that makes you stay awake and you can't get rid of it, even during daytime!

My wish of
owning Nintendo could be granted too: granted but the day before you start being in function, you get hit by a car and have a severe shock on the head, as a result you have a total and permanent amnesia.

My wish
"I wish there were really good virtual assistants,like siri, but much better, that can do more things. (I don't even have siri, so...)" hasn't been really corrupted since Hal isn't "really good". You could have said it's owned by the Nasa and they don't publish that.
that's not the only ones but I'm not going to find all of them.'s call Corrupt A Wish for a reason
  • #2,060's call Corrupt A Wish for a reason
yeah, and you should corrupt the wish, according to its statement. I showed examples of correct corruptions for all the examples I gave.