Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #41
Granted but you also will change into opaque colors resulting in you already being dead.

I wish you didn't read this text.
  • #42
granted but you are afriad of it
I wish this wish could not be corrupted
  • #43
Granted but only in an alternative universe (too bad)

I wish the new season of TMNT would be here already (common, why do they always start with the USA and come to Europe later? That's not fair!)
  • #44
Granted but now the show is cancelled in your tow and every tv you use doesn't subscribe to the channels that watch it .
I wish I had something to wish
  • #45
Granted but you've instantly forgotten what it was

I wish I had unlimited eShop credit
  • #46
Granted but now everything in Eshop is gone to the next gen console, which you don't have.

I wish life was without bad people with bad thoughts.
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  • #47
Granted but now there is no intelligent life for good and bad only exist in the minds of those who think "good" and "bad" exists.

I wish I could remember 26 digits of Pi already (yeah, great goal in life, huh?)
  • #48
(Nice) Granted but now Pi is Pie which confuses you and you have forgotten yet again
I wish that wishes always came true. Unless they were bad upon others.
  • #49
Granted but now there's a dragon in my kitchen (And it looks angry....:confused:)

I wish I could read two book simultaneously
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  • #50
Granted but now you hate books and get bored of them easily.
I wish for happiness and peace upon Reveria.
  • #51
Granted but now you hate Reveria

I wish you made my wish for me
  • #52
Granted but I wished you didn't have a wish to begin with.
I wish Noelia was here :confused:
  • #53
Granted but they hate you now
I wish to corrupt the next wish (good luck corrupting this)
  • #54
Granted but now no one is gonna wish again ever.
  • #55
:punch: That's killing the thread!
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Reactions: Starmanfan
  • #56
I wish you were not all an illusion made by the internet.
  • #57
Granted but now you are :vamp:
  • #58
...not because I corrupted your wish.

I wish I had no wishes.
  • #59
Granted but now you see no more purpose in life

I wish we could customise our trainers in ORAS (why nintendoooooo whyyyyyy....)
  • #60
Granted but you have to pay for it because it's DLC.

I wish for more wishes.