Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #101
Granted but it is also the last game ever

I wish I photographic memory
  • #102
Granted,but now you will also remember the most embarassing things that will happe to you

I wish PersonSP/You would have a PKMN from the personality test in his/your signature
  • #103
Granted but it is potentially inaccurate.

I wish 3DSPedia had a Council of Jedi for no apparent reason.
  • #104
Granted but only if you organise one

I wish I could take personality test more seriously
  • #105
For most questions i found two equally good answers therefore I have two pokes;
I disagree with both to be honest.
  • #106
Granted you are Teddiursa and you are always in a state of panic.

I wish I could control what everyone says on the forums no matter how vulgar.
  • #107
granted, but everyone can too, and you have no account anymore.:wacky:

I wish for a perfect caramel apple that can't be corrupted.
  • #108
Granted but it is only in your imagination.

I wish Earthbound was a real life story.
  • #109
granted but
you're giygas and face a horrible demise.

I wish to have all of the games on my wishlist, and a 3ds that is perfect and both the 3ds and the games can't be corrupted.
  • #110
Granted but it has to be corrupted so all the games you gotten are glitched copies.

I wish mayonnaise was an instrument.
  • #111
granted but Nobody can play it.

I wish for The next person's wish and the next's person to be double corruptyed
  • #112
Granted, but so will yours.

I wish for a panda that farts rainbows!
  • #113
Granted, but your panda is terminally ill and has an extra smelly color within the rainbow it dispenses...

I wish cell phones were nonexistent.
  • #114
Granted, but computers would be the overlords of the human race.

I wish for a mountain dew.
  • #115
Granted, but there is melted plastic within the mountain dew.

I wish that spiders could fly.
  • #116
Granted and they evolve and kill the human race.

I wish dogs could talk.
  • #117
Granted, but Doge and his dogs will eternally bother you in your sleep.

I wish there was no corruption in the world. :sneaky:
  • #118
Granted but all the corruption in the world is just a secret and your though of it is a lie.

I wish cars had square wheels.
  • #119
Granted, but you will have to walk everywhere from now on.

I wish for peace on earth.
  • #120
Granted for 10 seconds.

I wish I could predict the future.