Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,901
Granted, but you get assassinated out of jealousy.

I wish I can go on a grand adventure.
  • #1,902
Granted, but he ran out of ideas.

I wish I could speak Spanish.
  • #1,903
Granted, but now you can only speak Spanish.

I wish I had a million dollars for each corrupted wish.
  • #1,904
Granted, but with the amount of corruptions you get so much money it becomes a fire hazard, and you and your money go up in flames.

I wish I could get a good breakfast.
  • #1,905
Granted, but it's served to you when you're already full.

I wish I didn't have to think of new wishes to play this game.
  • #1,906
Granted, but we'll corrupt them anyway.

I wish for a loaf of bread.
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  • #1,907
Granted, but it's more stale than Game Theory.

I wish for MatPat to start making good content.
  • #1,908
Granted, but youtube shuts down

I wish that I could change the weather to whatever I want
  • #1,909
Granted, but everything gets killed.

I wish I didn't have to go to school.
  • #1,910
Granted, but everything gets killed.

I wish I didn't have to go to school.
Granted, but you now lose 10 IQ for every day you skip school.

I wish for you to make a creative corruption that somehow relates to the last question.
  • #1,911
Granted, but the thread becomes horribly inactive.

I wish I could sleep and wake up feeling like I slept.
  • #1,912
Granted, but now sleep a extra 7 times a week

I wish I know more info about Smash 5
  • #1,913
Granted but it gets cancelled.

I wish I knew how to make lots of money.
  • #1,914
Granted, but you can't use the method.

I wish for my calculators to not always be 0.15 off.
  • #1,915
Granted. Now it's 2.15 off.

I wish I could get a decent lunch.
  • #1,916
Granted, but you had skip lunch for 2 weeks after that

I wish to not wish
  • #1,917
Granted, but the paradox breaks space-time and psychic aliens feed on your ever decaying soul in a loop forever now

I wish my purple chalk was actually properly purple
  • #1,918
Granted, but your chalkboard is now the exact same color.

I wish people would respond to my thread about Windows 10
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  • #1,919
Granted, but I don't know if it helps. (I know, I'm too kind)

I wish I could code useful bots.
  • #1,920
Granted, unfortunately you spend too much time working on bots that you end up not getting a job, and going bankrupt, having to sell your computer which you need to code.

I wish I had delicious food that isn't poisoned (although i'm sure someone will figure out a way to ruin this).
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