Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,961
Granted. Introducing the HAL 9000.

I wish for a portal gun in real life.
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Reactions: PersonSP and Alegria
  • #1,962
Granted, but the portals are so small not even a single atom can pass through.

I wish for an end to memes.
  • #1,963
Granted, but the entirety of me_irl hunts you down.

I wish for a continuation of memes.
  • #1,964
Well all memes come and go so I can't grant your wish

I wish for Good meme games
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  • #1,965
Granted. The gameplay is good, but it uses Impact memes.

I wish for Behind the Meme to stop making content.
  • #1,966
Granted because the universe just abruptly ends
I wish I had a boat
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  • #1,967
Granted because the universe just abruptly ends
I wish I had a boat
granted, a paper boat that makes 10 cm length.

I wish........ I had the power to make rainbows appear whenever I want!! :D


granted but you can never actually see the rainbows you create
as long as I bring joy to the children who see them, it's fine, my work is done :)
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  • #1,968
granted but you can never actually see the rainbows you create

I wish for more time
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  • #1,969
Granted, you have an extra second of time.

I wish for someone to make a randomly-generated Zelda game.
  • #1,970
granted, it randomly generated 2 seconds of zelda gameplay.

I wish to know what that man is in the profile pic of @milesiscool123
  • #1,971
Granted, but he hunts you down
(it's Megaman from the MM1 boxart)

I wish for Miiverse to come back.
  • #1,972
wish granted, but Miiverse only comes back for 5 minutes before it is taken down.

I wish that modern music is actually good
  • #1,973
Granted, but he hunts you down
(it's Megaman from the MM1 boxart)

I wish for Miiverse to come back.
Granted, but.... (uuurgh, I can't do this! I can't corrupt this wish!!.....but I have to!)
...Alright, granted but the community will be even more toxic, the moderation will be even more strict and you can't publish anymore pictures, videos or web links.

I wish I had a more performant computer.
[Edit: oopsie, Whovian, we answered at the same time xD ]
  • #1,974
@Alegria It's fine lol I'll just go with it

Wish granted but as soon as you open up any program on the computer it immediately crashes.

I wish to not have to take an economics test tomorrow
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Reactions: Alegria
  • #1,975
Granted but you take it as homework instead.

I wish Nintendo has more unique and good amiibo. Not just the Yoshi Gaint thing.
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  • #1,976
Granted, but they never ship amiibo to stores aver again.

I wish for Backwards Long Jumping to be in every Mario game.
  • #1,977
Granted, but it's extremely clunky and feels horrible to use.

I wish internet connections everywhere were perfectly stable and affordable with reasonably low latency.
  • #1,978
Granted, but any device you use to enter the internet immediately breaks

I wish I could control the sun
  • #1,979
Granted, but any device you use to enter the internet immediately breaks

I wish I could control the sun
Granted, but the sun is a lightbulb. (get the reference? xD )

I wish radios broadcast real music, like some from Youtube from talented people who aren't so famous, instead of the thing they dare call music that they currently broadcast.
  • #1,980
Granted, but someone hacks your radio to play Despacito 24/7

I wish for Megaman 11 to come out already