AC:NL Does the name of your town have any hidden meaning?

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  • #21
Yes, although it's pretty dumb once you know xD My town's name is "Achamo". At first glance it seems to be a pretty random name, but in reality it's Torchic's Japanese name! My town flag (a Torchic PMD portrait) kind of gives it away if you put a little thought into it.
My past towns weren't as imaginative though, I just borrowed names from Pokémon towns/cities, which were Fortree, Phenac and Agate if I remember correctly.
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  • #22
The name of my town is Starfall. (totally not the name of a reading website for kids)

So if we break down the word Starfall, we get Star and fall. Contradicting, isn't it? Stars don't fall, they float in the air. So why is it called Starfall and not Starfloat? Because...because it has a deeper metaphorical meaning. If the Stars floated it would be the Sky, if the stars floated it would be a clear sky... Jk.. I'm getting at nothing. :hilarious: My town name was inspired by an old website for kids.. and that is all :panda:
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  • #23
The name of my town is Starfall. (totally not the name of a reading website for kids)

So if we break down the word Starfall, we get Star and fall. Contradicting, isn't it? Stars don't fall, they float in the air. So why is it called Starfall and not Starfloat? Because...because it has a deeper metaphorical meaning. If the Stars floated it would be the Sky, if the stars floated it would be a clear sky... Jk.. I'm getting at nothing. :hilarious: My town name was inspired by an old website for kids.. and that is all :panda:
That was so deep I cried a little xD

My (if I had the game) town would be called Starling. I could try to give it some deep meaning like rawrrie but I'll just avoid looking like a fool and admit it's the name of the city in Arrow... xD
  • #24
My town is called Meep. :p

I literally didn't know what to name it and the first thing that popped up into my head was Meep, because at that time Vii posted that Meep that gives you seizures in the ShoutBox. My town flag is a Meep too, haha.

So no, my town doesn't have a special/deep meaning or anything. :c
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  • #25
My town does not have any hidden meaning... unless you dont know what it means :p
I named my town Jamonkai because that was the village that Kai was from in Ninjago :ninja:
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  • #26
Mine is Smashvil
I wonder what the meaning is o_O
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  • #27
My town doesn't have much of a hidden meaning to it, it's name is 'Kanto' and it's the same name as the region Kanto in the Pokemon franchise. It's from the games, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold and Soul Silver. It's also the first region in the Pokemon series.
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  • #28
Well the name I have for my town is more of a fav anime relation of Ghost in the Shell.
Public Security Section 9 (公安9課 Kōan Kyūka?) is a fictional intelligence department from Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. In the story, its jurisdiction exists under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.[1] In some translations, the name is given as Public Safety Section 9. In the original movie, it is known as the Shell Squad or Security Police Section 9.[2]

The Section-9 spec-ops team is composed of former military officers and police detectives. Its operatives are trained in various methods ranging from criminal investigation and cyberwarfare to counter-terrorism and special operations, as their structure was based on the German GSG-9.[3] They had cross-training exercises in the past with the British SAS's 22nd Regiment.[4]
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  • #29
The name of my Town is Heilbron. I live in the Town Heilbronn (Germany)
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  • #30
My town is called Avalon. At that time I was playing League of Legends demo and I really loved the game (planning on buying full version) so I decided to go for it :3 the name is pretty lovely too ^^
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  • #31
"TwinLeaf" from the first Pokemon game I ever got, Pokemon Pearl.
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  • #32
My town is the name of the town I was born in so it holds special meaning to me. I really don't want to share it. I named it that because I miss living there.
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  • #33
My town is the name of the town I was born in so it holds special meaning to me. I really don't want to share it. I named it that because I miss living there.
If youre a adult try to move to there. It will help. If you cant move there just ask youre Parents that you can go there for a Little/Big Trip.
  • #34
I named my town Lemuria after the the mu continents capital. Plus it reminds me of megaman star force. That and it is a very cool name At least in my opinion. Also it kinda of makes you think. For example, after you have taken say a 3 month break from the game, you go back in to see what you were into a while back. It puts things into perspective on how much time passes and how much you have grown as a gamer and as a human being.
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  • #35
Not mine. It's just the name of a city in Tales of the Abyss (if I remember my town's name correctly, since it's been a while). Couldn't really think up a name on the spot and I just wanted to play the game.
I just called my town Pallet. I think the reference is pretty obvious :D.
I wanted to name mine Pallet Town but it wouldn't fit :p
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  • #36
Name of my town is Nixelton. I can't say for sure that there's a meaning behind it, because if there was, then I obviously forgot it. Just a random name I came up with. However, I did try to make it have a 'grand, magnificent' ring to it; dunno if I succeeded or not lol.
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  • #37
Mine is named Razgriz, named after the Demons of Razgriz from Ace Combat 5.
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  • #38
My town was actually called Warioville...I guess you all know why by now...I find it hilarious when the villagers refer to the "great town of Warioville" or the "politics of Warioville" or just how "clean Warioville is." Seriously, who wants to live in a town with name like that?
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  • #39
My town name is "Olympia" . I guess the hidden meaning would be my long time love of greek mythology. Olympia being a city in Ancient Greece. (To be honest my love of Ancient Greek mythology is from Percy Jackson and the Olympians.)
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  • #40
My towns name is switch. I don’t think that the switch was announced before i named my town, but I changed the flag to its logo when it was. The real reason I named it switch is because my town got deleted so i had to switch to this new town.
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