
  • Thread starter Mikaya
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  • #22
Oh, I'm not particularly against it in any way, shape or form, hell, I do it myself.

My point is, companies might not care enough about chasing you for stealing their copyrighted content, but if they do, you really have nowhere to go, as they have full right to do it.

If someone broke into your house and stole an expensive jar, you COULD pursuit him legally for it. Whether you do it or not is up to you, but you definitely can, and he's got no justification in any way. Same case here.
Uhh, in the metaphorical sense, the someone breaking in made an exact duplicate of the jar and left. Unless that's so, these are not same cases.
  • #23
Emulation is the only way I can play old games as I'm very, very rarely allowed to buy games/consoles (Well, I'm allowed to get steam games but that's because it's my own money, but that's beside the point :p)

My emulator folder on my computer is about 69gb big with 59,084 files(that's every single file btw, so like all the files for the emulators and stuff) (most of those gbs are ps2 iso's though xD). It also allows me to play different ports of games where the pc version doesn't work on my potato of a computer:p

Emulation might be illegal, but that's never really stopped anyone, infact, if people didn't do anything illegal there would be no crimes and no need for the police and such:p

Still though, emulation is very good for playing games that are either incredibly expensive, rare or just unobtainible due to it being region locked in a different region. There's been some total gems that I've played like Dark Chronicle, shadow of the colossus, Digimon World, LSD: Dream Simulator (hands down the wierdest game I have ever/will ever play), original majoras mask and more ^.^

Wii emulation is really awkward though if you don't set up a wiimote to it xD Playing Ju-On haunted house simulator is quite possibly the most awkwardly controlled game EVER for emulaton xD

Overall, emulators don't hurt the companies so much if they're old. Emulating newer things is what does a bit of damage. Then again, to combat that companies have made it a lot hard to emulate systems which is why there's not really a working emulator for the 3ds that's not a scam.

A couple of times I have downloaded a rom of a game that I've already owned just because a friend wanted to watch me playing it, and emulating the game would just make it 100xs easier to stream:p
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  • #24
Emulation is the only way I can play old games as I'm very, very rarely allowed to buy games/consoles (Well, I'm allowed to get steam games but that's because it's my own money, but that's beside the point :p)

My emulator folder on my computer is about 69gb big with 59,084 files(that's every single file btw, so like all the files for the emulators and stuff) (most of those gbs are ps2 iso's though xD). It also allows me to play different ports of games where the pc version doesn't work on my potato of a computer:p

Emulation might be illegal, but that's never really stopped anyone, infact, if people didn't do anything illegal there would be no crimes and no need for the police and such:p

Still though, emulation is very good for playing games that are either incredibly expensive, rare or just unobtainible due to it being region locked in a different region. There's been some total gems that I've played like Dark Chronicle, shadow of the colossus, Digimon World, LSD: Dream Simulator (hands down the wierdest game I have ever/will ever play), original majoras mask and more ^.^

Wii emulation is really awkward though if you don't set up a wiimote to it xD Playing Ju-On haunted house simulator is quite possibly the most awkwardly controlled game EVER for emulaton xD

Overall, emulators don't hurt the companies so much if they're old. Emulating newer things is what does a bit of damage. Then again, to combat that companies have made it a lot hard to emulate systems which is why there's not really a working emulator for the 3ds that's not a scam.

A couple of times I have downloaded a rom of a game that I've already owned just because a friend wanted to watch me playing it, and emulating the game would just make it 100xs easier to stream:p
Not sure I'd have said it better myself.
Well, maybe that gem-thing is too rich for my "plays by the rules" blood, but no real tears are shed if the roms are of oldies that have already gotten millions or more in their lifetime. Ethically speaking, moderation counts.
  • #25
*bleep* It! I'm doing it anyway
  • #26
*bleep* It! I'm doing it anyway
Careful who you tell. At least don't tell everyone. :p