First game you remember playing?

  • Thread starter Flarence
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  • #41
the first game i remember playing is super mario galaxy for the nintendo wii. back then, i was still like: whats a mario? is he old? is he fat? that was a really fun time, and it would be cool to experience descovering mario again :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  • #42
I can't remeber which Mario, but it was one on the SNES looong ago, I think I was like 2 years old then.
  • #43
The first game i remember playing is God of War 1. on playstation 2 after that its more parts come like god of war 2 on ps2,
god of war 3 on ps3, i like the character of cratos who fight with the nine gods of rome in first part he fight with the god of underworld Aries in second part he fight with the god of all gods Zeus but he ran away from his hands. but he got killed in 3rd part with his all comrades.
  • #44
Tanks multiplayer. Not much of a game, your tank was stationary and you'd take turns shooting at each other until there was only one player left. My first Nintendo game was a Harry Potter game. I got it from my dad together with my DSlight. (Sadly the DS died as some woman sat on it. On the other hand it came useful when my sisters DS needed some parts. Hers is silver, mine was pink so now she's got a multicoloured one.)
  • #45
I vaguely recall playing World of Illusions and Sonic on the Sega Megadrive. Always played it Co-Op with my sister. And we rekt them games.
  • #46
red alert on pc i was just 2 years at the time and dont even know how to play!!!
  • #47
Dolphin 2600 on the Atari 2600. I feel a bit old now haha.
  • #48
Qix for the gameboy. I was very glad to find it on the eshop 20 years later ^_^
  • #49
My first game wwas Crash Bandicoot 3, and my what aa game to start off with if II can say so myself :U I LOVE Crash Bandicoot 3 with a passion, every pixel in that game is my childhood and I simply love it, and wish it gets a Hd remake along with the rest of the Crash Bandicoot 1-2 because those games were simply amazing. May the Bandicoot rise again soon in the PS4 era since his death in that Mind over Mutants crap.
  • #50
The first game I remember playing is Donkey Kong Country 2 for the SNES. I'd always play it in team mode with my sisters.
  • #51
The first game I remembred playing was Sonic for the Sega Genesis. Genesis was my first gaming console. I dont even remember how old I was. I sucked badly at it though lol. Got jealous of my brother cause he was a bit better. I know rekt him in every game we play.
  • #52
The first game I played was legend of Zelda because it started off for Super Nintendo and an action game, but puzzle/adventure elements have been difficult in more and more over the years, but I was able to do it. It took a while to beat it.