Contest Get to Know a Pedian Better

  • Thread starter 18
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  • #42
Yup,it does. :thumbsup:
Good luck to all of those participating!
  • #43
ill join!
  • #45
A match!
  • #46
Nuuuuuuu I missed the sign-ups!! :cry: Well, maybe next time...have fun! :)
  • #47
I see a match.
  • #48
Quiz questions being sent out later today. Standby :nurse:
  • #49
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be
The ace of spades, the ace of spades~

The person who came up with the idea for this contest is @Kamui, so cheer for that ace of spades \: D/ Yeah, I pretty much stole it from him. :p

This contest revolves around you being randomly teamed up with another Pedian, and working together to win the extravagant prizes up for grabs, which are...

1st Place: 125 PC each
2nd Place: 100 PC each
3rd Place: 75 PC each


Teams will participate in different events to earn points based on how well they do... which depends on how well they work together. After August 31st, each team's points will be added up and the winners will receive their prizes.

Post below to say that you wish to join. 24 hours later, you will be randomly teamed up with another signer-up. I will PM each pair telling them so, and then leave the conversation (and won't be able to see future messages) so that they can talk to each other because they have to get to know each other better for the first event, which is:

The Convivial Quiz
(24th August, 0-10 points)

In this quiz, I will PM each team with a set of questions about their teammate. Don't worry, they're very basic and no question is personal. You'll answer them and your teammate will confirm if they're right or wrong (please be honest and don't cheat :oldman: ) Each correct answer earns two points.

Note: Do not pressure your teammate for any info they deem too personal. If your teammate insists on asking you such stuff when you've made it clear you don't want to discuss it, please screenshot it and tell the staff.


Other events (none are compulsory, but the more you do, the more points you get):

Find Each Other An Avatar
(2 points each):

Find your teammate an avatar, and if they like it enough to keep it until August 30th, your team will get two points. You can each choose one avatar for the other, so this event gives out a maximum of four points.

Make sure the avy is cool, we don't want your teammate running around the forums with a ridiculous avatar that they hate just to get the points :p
You must post in this thread saying you chose the avatar for Willy Wonka (or whoever) from down the block and link to the image.

Co-Authored Story About Mario's Birthday
(5-10 points):

Pedia had its birthday a couple of days ago, so why can't Mario have one? \D:/

View attachment 7854

Write a story together on the below idea \: D/

Each team has until August 30th to submit their story, which must be original, previously unpublished and at least 100 words long. It needn't be long - you could even make it a lengthy joke or something, as long as it isn't below 100 words.

Each story will be given between 5 and 10 points based on how good it is. No swearing or objectionable stuff - violence is alright as long as there's a warning at the start.

Art Collaboration - Mario's Birthday Again? (5-15 points)

I know, I'm really milking the birthday theme here :p

Each team can submit up to two pictures they made by themselves or together, to earn between 5 to 15 points based on how good the pictures are (one picture can earn a maximum of seven points - if both are really good, you'll get the maximum 15 points. The picture has to depict Mario celebrating a birthday, however you imagine it. Pencil drawings, fancy GFX work, crayon stuff - all are acceptable. :giggle:

Describe Your Teammate In A Sentence
(30th August, up to 15 points)

This is the fun final huzzah :D Each person must post on 30th August in this thread, describing their teammate in a single sentence. Depending on how pithy and true and original the sentence is, you can earn up to a whopping 15 points \: D/ So make sure you have something cool to say about your friend by that time :p


Sign up below. Good luck :cat:

@Spinnerweb , define cheating. Cause i dont know what is considered cheating.
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Reactions: Artisan
  • #50
  • #51
@Spinnerweb , define cheating. Cause i dont know what is considered cheating.
PMing each other the answers after the questions were sent.
  • #54
Omg, its perfect...I'm definitely changing my avatar now. ^_^
Now find me one :D
  • #55
Now find me one :D
This is the only manakete photo that I could find that wasn't Tiki or pron. Al is from an older fire emblem game.
  • #56
Looks cool
  • #57
@Kevin Do you want to start the drawing or the story next?
  • #58
This is the only manakete photo that I could find that wasn't Tiki or pron. Al is from an older fire emblem game.
@Kevin Do you want to start the drawing or the story next?
  • #59
@CdbSofa how about this avi for a change ;)
(Specifically the one on the right :p)

  • #60
@CdbSofa how about this avi for a change ;)
(Specifically the one on the right :p)

Avi?! I need those irl right now!! ;-;