beep boop gimme da scoop
Towns Folk
Just a random guess I would say maybe VC Galaga (3DS) 200 CoinsI thought i would do this.. it could be fun. The current Club Nintendo rewards state that they are good thru August 3rd. So i thought i would make a contest out of it. They most likely will have around 4 games added in the next day or two. If anybody guesses one of the new games and i will give that person 10 PC. As an added bonus.. pick how many coins the game will get and if the winner also picks the right amount of coins, then i will give an additional 5 PC.
I also want to add that if the new games are not up tomorrow then this contest will end 10 pm central time tomorrow. that way somebody doesnt guess a game at the moment they put up the new games.. i might need help deciding what time they do add the new games..