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Towns Folk
Drum roll please! It's time to announce the winners of this year's Halloween Monster Mash Ups Contest!
First Place: Kit Katsune by @CheeseFlavouredCake wins 300 PC's
Second Place: Ender Dragneel by @KooleoKun wins 225 PC's
Third Place: Eye-gular Fish by @OshaWhat!!! wins 100 PC's
Congratulations and thank you for your creative entries!
@Marc could you or one of the other Admins please see that the winners get their prizes? Thanks
First Place: Kit Katsune by @CheeseFlavouredCake wins 300 PC's
Second Place: Ender Dragneel by @KooleoKun wins 225 PC's
Third Place: Eye-gular Fish by @OshaWhat!!! wins 100 PC's
Congratulations and thank you for your creative entries!

@Marc could you or one of the other Admins please see that the winners get their prizes? Thanks