Have you had any weird dreams lately?

  • Thread starter Scyence
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Towns Folk
I saw a thread for Favorite Dreams, but what dreams made you wake up and say "Wut"?

My weirdest dream was when I was a penguin in a skirt, and I had no control over my body whatsoever. I saw myself in 3rd person, and I started dancing the Macarena or however it is spelled :p When I woke up, I was apparently sleep walking, and I was upstairs, inflating our air mattress....
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I used to sleepwalk all the time! I'm surprised I never ran into something...I would have woken up. My most memorable dream, besides those of a NORMAL 14 year old boy, was I think when I was eight? I dreamt that my friends were at my house and we went downstairs. But my basement was weird! There was a door on the exact opposite side of where the door actually is, like a reflection, and there was a witch singing and dancing? Oh, during this we (my friends and I) were all sitting on the stairs, wondering who the uff that strange woman was, and then the witch started chasing us up the stairs...and we hid behind a desk, but then the part covering where you put your legs beneath the desk (this is one of those old wooden ones) disappeared into a flash of light! I thought the witch got us, but it was just my mom waking me up XD
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my WEIRDEST Dream of all? Mmm.... besides been teleported to an alternative universe where everybody has superpowers, and I and MYSELF only had to fight the bad guys, and have a daily live every night, and make friend, eat foods, hang out, fight more bad guys, become a hero, sign autographs, growing up, learn new and stronger power, and even have a girlfriend that could summon espers, and Dream that up every night continuously for 9 year like a 15-episodes-for-1-fight Japanese anime? well if that don't count, it would be the one that i'm naked in a public pool and no one even notices

EDIT: could you please change that signature? it makes me think of pokemon's eggs and where they came from
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In my dream I remember not being able to move I remember waking up but a voice would snarl at me saying "Don't move!" and "Why are you awake!?"

I remember trying to stand up and run to the front door from the couch I had fallen asleep on but with each I wouldn't get any closer it was like I was running in place.

I felt a cold hand on my side and lower back over where my kidneys are and then I woke up.

Strangely when I woke up I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and there was a scratch 0_0

Last time I read Creepypasta stories before bed...or sleeping. And I always have strange dreams when I sleep on the couch.
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A few years ago I dreamt that I had a PS3 and was really enjoying myself playing it, then I went to get a glass of water, thinking about how happy I was with my PS3, then I had a sudden thought:

"That can't be right, my life can't be this good. I must be dreaming."

Then I realized I was dreaming and thought to myself, "Don't wake up, please please! I love my PS3!"

I felt myself waking up and said, "Oh... dang."

Then I woke up.

Strange, eh?
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A few years ago I dreamt that I had a PS3 and was really enjoying myself playing it, then I went to get a glass of water, thinking about how happy I was with my PS3, then I had a sudden thought:

"That can't be right, my life can't be this good. I must be dreaming."

Then I realized I was dreaming and thought to myself, "Don't wake up, please please! I love my PS3!"

I felt myself waking up and said, "Oh... dang."

Then I woke up.

Strange, eh?
Oh! that reminds me, i once Dream that i bought a brand new PS3 with 30 new games and i spent 30 minutes configuring it. Between system setting, Display, online account, etc... once every thing was now done, i was finally going to play. Once the first game finally loaded.... i woke up.
:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:that was so FRUSTRATING!!!!
The Weirdest dream I ever had...... I was getting so much money from a gameshow and I won all of the money then me and my sister decided to go to Disneyland but when we reached the place was surrounded by drugged people and drug dealers in the park and then this man came up to us and said" Do you want to play Head GOLF?" and I was freaked out so I started running and the man tried to scratch and then I forced myself to get up!
@Siri EEK!! what a nightmare, Kupo!! i hope to god that NEVER EVER happens in the real life!
I decided to lay in bed and read a book under a candle. I already read 3 chapters before I felt a little tired. I put the book away and tried to go to sleep, but I awoke from a white glow. I looked up at the light in fear. A voice said, "Don't be afraid of me," but the white glow turned red as the voice once again said, "WHY ARE YOU SCARED? WHY?" Then everything around me was red as the voice said, "I EXIST."

I woke up from my nightmare as I thought, "Thank god, it was all a dream." I went to my bathroom, and what I saw in the mirror put me in shock. Written in bright red blood, were the words "I exist".
  • #10
This is a bit of a random topic, but does anyone else remember really weird dreams that they've had?
I'm one of those people that dream every night and almost always remembers them it the morning. x3

Also, all of my dreams hardly ever make sense and they're always really detailed for some reason.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a toy store where they were only selling cheap Jack-in-the-boxes. When you wound them up, Mr Resetti (from animal crossing) popped out of them and starting yelling...and then thousands of them started popping up simultaneously ... o_o
It was really creepy ._.
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  • #11
I had this dream about school one time. While I was in the dream, I realized I was dreaming. So then I realized I could do whatever I want. I panicked and started flying in the sky and and it was so weird >.<)/

I like controlled my dream and what happened. I rarely have dreams nowadays though, :panda:
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  • #12
My dreams are always a mess actually :confused:
For some strange reason, I seem to be able to control most of them so I can pretty much do what I want. Unless I can't. It doesn't really have any logic
I had a long dream once (which I couldn't control) about Five Nights at Freddy's that was really nice, but I'm too lazy to describe it :singing:
Anyways, I haven't been dreaming lately. Odd :panda:
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  • #13
Whether you believe this or not I had a really weird dream some long time ago . It was somebody's birthday on 3dspedia and it seemed that this person really liked Majora's Mask so there was this celebration where everyone wore the Majora's Mask and then rawrrie was celebrating and give that person a Majora's Mask for 3ds .

It's true :eek:
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  • #14
This dream didn't happen recently but it is really weird.

So I was about 10 years old and my cousin is the same age as me. So the dream starts with my cousin driving a minivan on train tracks with my brother and sister in the van too. Then there is a light further down the tracks. Obviously it was a train, but my cousin kept driving. Then we were hit by the train. Apparently I was knocked out. Then I woke up and found myself hanging over a cliff. Just before I fall this man grabs my shirt and pulls me away. My cousin, brother, and sister were there too. Then I saw this hole in the ground. Now here comes the weird part... he told us all to go into the hole! Like it was our grave.
Like I said it didn't happen recently but I thought it was really weird and funny.:hilarious:
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  • #15
This dream is really messed up just a warning!

So I had a dream where I met everybody in 3dsPedia IRL with their avis and then one by one they changed into animals like rawwrie turned into a tiger and Eridan turned into a Dinosaur and Aquakitty transformed into a cats and then rawrrie was trying to eat AquaKitty and Eridan was trying to eat rawrie and AquaKitty was screaming for help and then I woke up
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  • #16
This dream is really messed up just a warning!

So I had a dream where I met everybody in 3dsPedia IRL with their avis and then one by one they changed into animals like rawwrie turned into a tiger and Eridan turned into a Dinosaur and Aquakitty transformed into a cats and then rawrrie was trying to eat AquaKitty and Eridan was trying to eat rawrie and AquaKitty was screaming for help and then I woke up

Tf >.<

I'm actually a dinosaur :p

When I was young I would always have these dreams of going to the Toy Store, but then I'd wake up when I got there. It killed the excitement >.<
  • #17
One, time, I didn't have a dream. It was the strangest dream ever.
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  • #18
I had a dream I wasn't in it once It was literally my brain made me an episode of pokemon but this was back during diamond and pearl nope didn't appear once in that dream
  • #19
I had one of those weird dreams that change repeatedly, last night. Finally it changed into one where my family and some other people were sitting on the kitchen floor listening to my rival sing Avenged Sevenfold's Bat Country out of an ancient radio in the corner, and everyone thought he was better than me whereas I was protesting that I was the one who taught him to sing it in the first place and he was no good, they'd just never heard Bat Country for real which is why they thought he was better.

My inferiority complex popped up in a dream, it seems :eek:
  • #20
I had a dream where there was a tent in the Ir at my school But only autistic people where allowed in and it was to hot and cramped because they was so many autistic people in the tent, including me and the strange thing was they was people i have already met and i don't really talk at my school unless its to family. someone named James was introducing me to people i had already met and we where locked in the tent for most of the dream and everyone where playing on there phone on 18 games apart from me because i am not allowed 18 games :( but people my age play 18 games in real life to. you know... gta v after we got out the tent there where two teaches one from a game which wasn't even a teacher and one from real life they where speaking to us saying i know its hot but get back to your lesson which is the tent and they was another autistic only thing outside of the tent which was a doughnut of some sort of treat machine so only autistic people got a doughnut... i dont even like doughnuts
the dream continues but we will be here all day...

A few years ago I dreamt that I had a PS3 and was really enjoying myself playing it, then I went to get a glass of water, thinking about how happy I was with my PS3, then I had a sudden thought:

"That can't be right, my life can't be this good. I must be dreaming."

Then I realized I was dreaming and thought to myself, "Don't wake up, please please! I love my PS3!"

I felt myself waking up and said, "Oh... dang."

Then I woke up.

Strange, eh?
Ill tell you a trick if you feel your self waking up think of your self spinning round in a circle it stops you waking up
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