Have you had any weird dreams lately?

  • Thread starter Scyence
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  • #21
Alot of dreams I have dont have make any sense

I was dreaming that I chased the yeti,but then I arrived at his cave it turned out that it was obama the whole time
then a skeleton wearing an funny head appeared and danced,but then it shot me and I woke up in my dream in my house,but everything was upside down and started falling on me .-.

Sometimes I also dream about how imagine the people here in reality

And I dreamed that my parents forbid me to play nintendo games >_>

Also I dreamed I had a crush on siri (the robot,no the memeber) and she turned out to be beef jerky

Also I dreamed that I hacked the vending machine at school,but it ended up killing me in my dream

But usually I forget what I dreamed

EDIT:I just remembered at really horrible dream:
I dreamed that everyone who listened to punk,metal and rock got violently mudered
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  • #22
Well I did have a really strange dream today :p I'm not gonna go in super details but there was this time-travelling trick you can do to go into a random past date , but it would be greatly altered and then when I did it , some kinda time-space thingy collapsed meaning that I couldn't go back ..

What made it really strange and perhaps scary is that the alternate universe had nobody in it , so quiet , and time wouldn't move in it ..
  • #23
My strange dream was when i was naked in my classroom and no one even notice i was...
  • #24
I tend to have strange dreams when I sleep on the couch in my living room :panda:

One I remember is that I was,struggling to wake up in the dream and when I finally did I couldn't move any part of my body and it felt like something was squeezing my chest and heart. I could scream and I couldn't move but I woke up again in the dream and I heard what sounded like my parents trying to get in the house through the front door so I tried standing to put a bowl of food away but each time I stood up I sat back down over and over again and randomly I would run in place. So my dream self stashed the bowl under the couch.:rolleyes:

If I ever get another dream that's weird I'll post again:panda:
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  • #25
My friend once said we went to this Nintendo museum in one of his dreams and there was a sweater that Sakurai once wore and I put it on and it was too small.

Once I dreamt that all of my electronics were on a sinking rubber raft and I was on a cruise ship with Mermaid Man.
I don't know WHY, but it did happen there.
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  • #26
I had an odd dream the other night. This lady was going to sell me an antique sewing machine. It was build into a table and had a case that went over top if it. It was really pretty and I was super excited. I got there, and when she lifted the case, there was a tea

And I was like, "What? Aren't you selling a sewing machine?" And she just looked at me like I was an idiot and said she was. She insisted what she was showing me was a sewing machine.

When I said no, that's a tea set, she laughed at me and said, "Don't be silly! You just do this and this and voila! You can sew!"

And I just stood there and was like "No. That's a tea set! And it doesn't even match. The sugar dish has a different pattern than the other pieces!" And she was like "Oh. Just hang on a minute!" She ran off and came back with the proper piece. Then she asked when I wanted it delivered. :panda:
  • #27
I've had quite a few dreams but not very many I would remember or that are notable. The last one I could remember was in my blog.
  • #28
My friend told me she had a dream of having a picnic with Springtrap.They were hugging each other and dancing with ach other and then they started doing cute jumpscares.I really wish I had a dream like that.that sounds really nice.but then again that is a little creepy and weird in it's own way.

I've had quite a few dreams but not very many I would remember or that are notable. The last one I could remember was in my blog.
i was about to mention your very weird earthbound dream :p