Hideo Kojima will leave Komani after MGS5

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  • #21
Silent Hills cancelled. Some say that PT's dubbing at the end doesn't make sense, but after the announcement of him leaving Konami, fans were all mind blown.

Dad was such a drag.
Everyday he'd eat the same kind of food,
dress the same,
sit in front of the same kind of games..
Yeah, he was just that kind of guy.
But then one day, he goes and kills us all!
He couldn't even be original about the way he did it.
I'm not complaining...
I was dying of boredom anyway.
But guess what?
I will be coming back,
and I'm bringing my new toys with me.

They think it's a hidden message of Kojima leaving:
Dad = Konami
Same kind of food, same kind of games = more MGS stuff and not willing to risk a new franchise
He goes and kills us all = harsh relationship not only to Kojima but also to dev team
I'm not complaining... I was dying of boredom anyway = Kojima doesn't look desperate of leaving Konami
I'm bringing my new toys with me = Fox Engine

This was just the 'accepted theory' of many fans of PT tho.
  • #22
We can always hope
  • #23
WHY DOES KONAMI HATE SILENT HILL?!?! Remember when they had that "month of madness" crap a few years ago, where they released 3 silent hill games in one month? (Silent Hill: Book of Memories, Silent Hill HD Collection, Silent Hill Downpour) Or when they messed up the hd collection by REMOVING THE FOG?!?!? This was the first time in YEARS people actually cared about the series. AND THEY DONE MESSED IT UP!!!!
  • #24
WHY DOES KONAMI HATE SILENT HILL?!?! Remember when they had that "month of madness" crap a few years ago, where they released 3 silent hill games in one month? (Silent Hill: Book of Memories, Silent Hill HD Collection, Silent Hill Downpour) Or when they messed up the hd collection by REMOVING THE FOG?!?!? This was the first time in YEARS people actually cared about the series. AND THEY DONE MESSED IT UP!!!!

Oh man that HD collection was pure and utter shite.