how smart are you what is your iq score.

  • Thread starter cloudmario666
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Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
i dont want to say my score because people will think im lying, but i would love to hear your score.
Where does one take this accurate, valid, reliable, IQ test?

You should link it nonetheless :p
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I've taken one and it said I have an IQ of around 120
I found the IQ test on the site he linked. Honestly, I don't trust this test, but I took it anyways.
It gave me this:
PART 1/7 - Alex's IQ Report
Left Brain
Right Brain
Your IQ Score puts you in the Superior range of intelligence (130 - 140), indicating that you are well above average intelligence and considered to be extremely smart. You have good memory skills and are able to memorise and recall a sufficient amount of items. Practising memory games will help to boost your memory ability and enhance your intelligence score, however your numerical skills are advanced and you are good with numbers and mathematics. Your firm grasp of mathematical concepts gives you an advantage in number based jobs such as accounting or finance.

You have superb spatial relations abilities that give you a huge advantage when undertaking such activities as estimating space or parking a car.

(test is here
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IQ tests are an inaccurate representation of how smart or intelligent you actually are. So even if you have a high or low IQ according to the website that gave you those results, it is completely incorrect.

Seriously, no program can't determine smartness from a IQ test that was took online.
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Hmm, last I checked it was 220, though, that was a long time ago. I don't really trust it, either. The sites I used were pretty shady-looking. Maybe I should take an IQ test from a professional? Oh, and a higher score is better, right? XD


I'll try that site you provided earlier at a later time and (maybe) share my score here.
Hmm, last I checked it was 220, though, that was a long time ago. I don't really trust it, either. The sites I used were pretty shady-looking. Maybe I should take an IQ test from a professional? Oh, and a higher score is better, right? XD


I'll try that site you provided earlier at a later time and (maybe) share my score here.
220 IQ is higher than Stephen Hawking. And basically everyone in the world.
Last time I checked I had an IQ of 112 which is a little above average.
I checked on he website and it said 111 so I think I'm ok. It said I wasn't as good with memory but decent with pretty much everything else (note it said that in a way more complicated manner. This is just in a big nutshell. Probably a walnut shell)
  • #10
That test that was provided was way too long, so I don't think I'll take it >~<
I want an accurate test provided by a professional, but:

-It's way too expensive
-It'll probably be way too long
-Nothing can determine intelligence accurately anyway

In that case, I won't be taking IQ tests seriously anymore.
  • #11
I don't want to be a know-it-all, but I took an actual IQ test about a year ago and it's totally different from that online test, and it was also about 3 hours long so I don't think that that test is very accurate :bear:
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  • #12
That test from the link is the most inaccurate thing in existence! I don't have good memory it says, I don't have good observation skills it says, I have photographic memory and one of the best observational levels possible!:hilarious:
Only reason it gives a terrible score and so inaccurate is because it gives ridiculously little time to type things, no matter how fast you can type, there's still not enough time even if you know the answers!:p
Also, that annoying box dividing thing that kept making wrong lines all the time was a pain!:mad:
In the end I got 91, 50 points lower than my actual score from the official test I took couple years back! And to clarify something, @GLAcraft101, you can't have 220 IQ if from an official test, since the highest possible is 200!
Finally, the actual IQ test IS a valid way to calculate your intelligence, but it's nothing like you think it is! What it does is test how your brain synapses respond to pattern calculation, so ALL questions on it, all 200, are just pattern sequence questions, but a LOT harder than you think! Additionally, you have two full hours for it and trust me, even in that time, you will most likely still not finish or you will get a low score!:p

Here's an example of how some easy easy preparation questions are to a practice test (NOT IQ one, just practice):
  • #13
Well,according to my Iq test,i have above average Intelligence
But i dont think thats the case
To add,a Iq test works much different from a Online Poll
But i cant really recall,considering that I was like 4 during the Test
  • #14
Well,according to my Iq test,i have above average Intelligence
But i dont think thats the case
To add,a Iq test works much different from a Online Poll
But i cant really recall,considering that I was like 4 during the Test
Unless you are a genius, I doubt you took an IQ test when you were 4! At that age, the brain isn't even half completed yet, you hardly even have the memory part complete!:p

Almost forgot something I should have said in my previous post, if there is so much as even ONE written question, be it the description, the choices or whatever, it's a fake test! IQ tests are unique because they are the same for all countries, meaning there can't be anything language related in the questions or the scores will be wrong, so actual ones don't contain such things!
  • #15
Unless you are a genius, I doubt you took an IQ test when you were 4! At that age, the brain isn't even half completed yet, you hardly even have the memory part complete!:p

Almost forgot something I should have said in my previous post, if there is so much as even ONE written question, be it the description, the choices or whatever, it's a fake test! IQ tests are unique because they are the same for all countries, meaning there can't be anything language related in the questions or the scores will be wrong, so actual ones don't contain such things!
here,you need to do the test to qualify for a school
which means that youll be doing the test while being 6 years at most
it is a bit changed to be actually solvable for children,but pretty much anything about the test contradicts the one for adults
  • #16
here,you need to do the test to qualify for a school
which means that youll be doing the test while being 6 years at most
it is a bit changed to be actually solvable for children,but pretty much anything about the test contradicts the one for adults
Are you sure it's an IQ test and not a simple intelligence test? Because those two are nothing alike and also, I'm pretty sure this thread is more about the adult test (even though you are supposed to do it at 16)...:p
  • #17
That test from the link is the most inaccurate thing in existence! I don't have good memory it says, I don't have good observation skills it says, I have photographic memory and one of the best observational levels possible!:hilarious:
Only reason it gives a terrible score and so inaccurate is because it gives ridiculously little time to type things, no matter how fast you can type, there's still not enough time even if you know the answers!:p
Also, that annoying box dividing thing that kept making wrong lines all the time was a pain!:mad:
In the end I got 91, 50 points lower than my actual score from the official test I took couple years back! And to clarify something, @GLAcraft101, you can't have 220 IQ if from an official test, since the highest possible is 200!
Finally, the actual IQ test IS a valid way to calculate your intelligence, but it's nothing like you think it is! What it does is test how your brain synapses respond to pattern calculation, so ALL questions on it, all 200, are just pattern sequence questions, but a LOT harder than you think! Additionally, you have two full hours for it and trust me, even in that time, you will most likely still not finish or you will get a low score!:p

Here's an example of how some easy easy preparation questions are to a practice test (NOT IQ one, just practice):
Oh, okay. Thx >~<
  • #18
No offense but I find it funny that @Tho is calling this test is "the most inaccurate thing in existence" because most of what you're saying is inaccurate itself. That's not to say the test is accurate, because I agree that the results of this test are not valid whatsoever.

I find it hard to believe you truly have a photographic memory, unless you were just exaggerating, but if you really do have a photographic memory, and answered the memory part of the test correctly, the test (as idiotic as it is) isn't going to randomly convert your answers into a bad score. That's your fault, not the test's. I agree the boxes were annoying and the time seemed rushed, though.

Anyway, my main complaint with what you've posted is that most of what you said about IQ tests are false. It's true that no one will have an IQ of over 200, but 200 is certainly not the "highest possible score." There are many different IQ tests and each of them has a different scale. You're talking as if there's only a single IQ test that's 2 hours long and has 200 questions and a maximum score of 200, even though numerous tests of various lengths and scoring methods exist.

I also would argue that it's inaccurate to say IQ tests are a valid way to calculate your intelligence. Intelligence is a broad concept and there are several different types of intelligence. Most IQ tests calculate your ability in logic and problem solving, which form only one type of intelligence, but ignore other types of intelligence like emotional or practical intelligence. But IQ tests can't really measure just plain "intelligence" because a singular intelligence is impossible to define.

And I don't really know what you mean by "there can't be anything language related in the questions." Do you mean all questions are multiple choice, or do you mean all questions involve only pictures but not words? If the former, I'm not really sure whether free response questions can appear on an IQ test, although I wouldn't be surprised if they could, depending on what type of intelligence you were measuring. If you meant language (i.e. words) can't be on the IQ test and they use only pictures, that's definitely false, since one common type of question is "Bob is taller than Joe but shorter than Steve. Steve is taller than Rod. Is Joe definitely shorter than Rod?" which clearly involves language. IQ tests can involve language because tests have been designed in various languages. And I have no idea where you got the fact that "IQ tests are the same for all countries" from, because that's not even close to true.

Sorry if I sounded super critical, but it's frustrating to read your posts and see you claim facts to be true that are completely inaccurate.

My thoughts on this thread as a whole are that it's a bit ridiculous to even be taking this test because no online IQ is valid and people who try to brag about their IQ score from an online test look like idiots. Anyone who brags about IQ in general looks like an idiot because there's nothing to brag about having a certain number attributed to your intelligence.
  • #19
No offense but I find it funny that @Tho is calling this test is "the most inaccurate thing in existence" because most of what you're saying is inaccurate itself. That's not to say the test is accurate, because I agree that the results of this test are not valid whatsoever.

I find it hard to believe you truly have a photographic memory, unless you were just exaggerating, but if you really do have a photographic memory, and answered the memory part of the test correctly, the test (as idiotic as it is) isn't going to randomly convert your answers into a bad score. That's your fault, not the test's. I agree the boxes were annoying and the time seemed rushed, though.

Anyway, my main complaint with what you've posted is that most of what you said about IQ tests are false. It's true that no one will have an IQ of over 200, but 200 is certainly not the "highest possible score." There are many different IQ tests and each of them has a different scale. You're talking as if there's only a single IQ test that's 2 hours long and has 200 questions and a maximum score of 200, even though numerous tests of various lengths and scoring methods exist.

I also would argue that it's inaccurate to say IQ tests are a valid way to calculate your intelligence. Intelligence is a broad concept and there are several different types of intelligence. Most IQ tests calculate your ability in logic and problem solving, which form only one type of intelligence, but ignore other types of intelligence like emotional or practical intelligence. But IQ tests can't really measure just plain "intelligence" because a singular intelligence is impossible to define.

And I don't really know what you mean by "there can't be anything language related in the questions." Do you mean all questions are multiple choice, or do you mean all questions involve only pictures but not words? If the former, I'm not really sure whether free response questions can appear on an IQ test, although I wouldn't be surprised if they could, depending on what type of intelligence you were measuring. If you meant language (i.e. words) can't be on the IQ test and they use only pictures, that's definitely false, since one common type of question is "Bob is taller than Joe but shorter than Steve. Steve is taller than Rod. Is Joe definitely shorter than Rod?" which clearly involves language. IQ tests can involve language because tests have been designed in various languages. And I have no idea where you got the fact that "IQ tests are the same for all countries" from, because that's not even close to true.

Sorry if I sounded super critical, but it's frustrating to read your posts and see you claim facts to be true that are completely inaccurate.

My thoughts on this thread as a whole are that it's a bit ridiculous to even be taking this test because no online IQ is valid and people who try to brag about their IQ score from an online test look like idiots. Anyone who brags about IQ in general looks like an idiot because there's nothing to brag about having a certain number attributed to your intelligence.
In case you haven't done your research, while there ARE various different IQ tests, the ONLY officially accepted ones are those that are administered by the Genius Society! That means that all those tests school or organizations administer are actually either mock or imitation ones.

Now, to answer everything in order. First off, the test is inaccurate mostly because it has wrong time limits and is in itself limited by how fast one can type, so even if I know the answer for example, if I can't type it in time because the page is being unresponsive, then I get lower score. As for photographic memory, there's no such thing as perfect photographic memory, since that's what you are assuming those words mean. Instead, photographic memory means that one has the ability to selectively temporarily or permanently memorize information to a certain degree, depending on the kind it is in and whether it's long term or not. So to be more clear, there's no defining photographic memory, but many kinds, for example remember absolutely anything you hear or instead anything you read, but unlike regular memory, it's EXACTLY what information you received without mistakes or alterations. In my case, it's that I can remember anything I hear or see as a picture long term and what I read short term. It simply depends on how your brain works, how much you have trained your memory and so on.

Now, as I said above, the officially acknowledged tests are ONLY those that are administered by the Genius Society, which always have 200 questions, making that the highest possible score, with each question equaling 0.5% total score. That's why it's impossible to have an actual IQ of anything above 200, because it would be like scoring above 100%, which is impossible!

You also seem to be misunderstanding something. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I believe you are including knowledge into intelligence, even though those are two completely different things! Knowledge is what information you know, while intelligence is your mental capacity to perform thought processes. However, I agree that there's not a defining type of intelligence, but there aren't that many that you can't test for in a single well thought out examination. Regardless of that though, what the IQ value actually stands for is simply a representation of your though process capacity and how complicated thoughts you can perform, so you shouldn't assume that a lower IQ means that that person has weaker mental capacity than someone of a higher IQ. Instead, it may simply mean that one excels at thinking while the other may excel in calculating.

Moving on, while I hate repeating things, there is only one officially acknowledged IQ test, which means that there can't be any questions that would require translation (in case of mistranslation) or allow for misunderstanding just because a person doesn't understand the language the test is in. Because those things would result in a wrong result, even if by just a little, to avoid such cases, only images and (Arabian) numbers can be included in the questions. The IQ tests do NOT test the memory, meaning that only calculation (tables with numbers) and correct though processing (patterns) are included in the questions, as only those are needed to correctly measure what the test aims to.

Finally, it's ok to be critical when you have doubts. I skipped a lot of information since I didn't think it would matter that much in such a bad quality thread, so there were bound to be misunderstanding! However, what you said in the end is completely true, even if most tests you take on paper by certified organizations are mock ones or "mini" ones (they are still roughly accurate, just not exactly as they serve a different purpose than the real thing), no online test can even come close to having at least a decent amount of accuracy! Online IQ tests are exactly like an idiot testing an idiot on how smart they are, which is bound to end up with a wrong result!:p
Also, yeah, even someone with a really high IQ might suck at really basic things, so much that it hurts to watch! What matters is how much of your intelligence you can put of use in your daily life, a number isn't going to change anything about that!
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  • #20
In case you haven't done your research, while there ARE various different IQ tests, the ONLY officially accepted ones are those that are administered by the Genius Society! That means that all those tests school or organizations administer are actually either mock or imitation ones.

Now, to answer everything in order. First off, the test is inaccurate mostly because it has wrong time limits and is in itself limited by how fast one can type, so even if I know the answer for example, if I can't type it in time because the page is being unresponsive, then I get lower score. As for photographic memory, there's no such thing as perfect photographic memory, since that's what you are assuming those words mean. Instead, photographic memory means that one has the ability to selectively temporarily or permanently memorize information to a certain degree, depending on the kind it is in and whether it's long term or not. So to be more clear, there's no defining photographic memory, but many kinds, for example remember absolutely anything you hear or instead anything you read, but unlike regular memory, it's EXACTLY what information you received without mistakes or alterations. In my case, it's that I can remember anything I hear or see as a picture long term and what I read short term. It simply depends on how your brain works, how much you have trained your memory and so on.

Now, as I said above, the officially acknowledged tests are ONLY those that are administered by the Genius Society, which always have 200 questions, making that the highest possible score, with each question equaling 0.5% total score. That's why it's impossible to have an actual IQ of anything above 200, because it would be like scoring above 100%, which is impossible!

You also seem to be misunderstanding something. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I believe you are including knowledge into intelligence, even though those are two completely different things! Knowledge is what information you know, while intelligence is your mental capacity to perform thought processes. However, I agree that there's not a defining type of intelligence, but there aren't that many that you can't test for in a single well thought out examination. Regardless of that though, what the IQ value actually stands for is simply a representation of your though process capacity and how complicated thoughts you can perform, so you shouldn't assume that a lower IQ means that that person has weaker mental capacity than someone of a higher IQ. Instead, it may simply mean that one excels at thinking while the other may excel in calculating.

Moving on, while I hate repeating things, there is only one officially acknowledged IQ test, which means that there can't be any questions that would require translation (in case of mistranslation) or allow for misunderstanding just because a person doesn't understand the language the test is in. Because those things would result in a wrong result, even if by just a little, to avoid such cases, only images and (Arabian) numbers can be included in the questions. The IQ tests do NOT test the memory, meaning that only calculation (tables with numbers) and correct though processing (patterns) are included in the questions, as only those are needed to correctly measure what the test aims to.

Finally, it's ok to be critical when you have doubts. I skipped a lot of information since I didn't think it would matter that much in such a bad quality thread, so there were bound to be misunderstanding! However, what you said in the end is completely true, even if most tests you take on paper by certified organizations are mock ones or "mini" ones (they are still roughly accurate, just not exactly as they serve a different purpose than the real thing), no online test can even come close to having at least a decent amount of accuracy! Online IQ tests are exactly like an idiot testing an idiot on how smart they are, which is bound to end up with a wrong result!:p
Also, yeah, even someone with a really high IQ might suck at really basic things, so much that it hurts to watch! What matters is how much of your intelligence you can put of use in your daily life, a number isn't going to change anything about that!

I'm going to ignore the whole photographic memory thing because if I try to argue against it, it will sound like I'm defending this online IQ test, which I don't want to do.

Is "The Genius Society" supposed to refer to Mensa? Because that's all a quick Google search brings up, but I can't find any organizations called "The Genius Society."

I find it really funny that you included a link to some practice questions published on Mensa's website, yet you're still so ignorant to information that is easily accesible to you. From that page with the practice questions, you could have clicked one link (About Mensa International) and would have found this:

The term "IQ score" is widely used but poorly defined. There are a large number of tests with different scales. The result on one test of 132 can be the same as a score 148 on another test. Some intelligence tests don't use IQ scores at all.

But you're right, obviously the only acceptable tests are those with a rigid 200 point scale, even though the most prestigious high-IQ society in the world accepts scores from a number of tests with different scales.

I'm certainly not including knowledge in intelligence. What I'm saying is that intelligence in its common usage refers only to a person's ability in areas like logic and problem solving. But intelligence is so much more than that. Many types of intelligence like emotional intelligence or musical intelligence are not tested in traditional IQ tests, even though they are an important part of a person's intelligence, so it is inaccurate to say IQ tests measure intelligence, because they ignore certain facets of a person's intelligence. IQ tests measure one's ability to see patterns and solve logic problems.

Once again, I have no idea where you're getting this "there's only one officially acknowledged IQ test" thing from. It simply isn't true. This is taken from Mensa's "About Mensa International" page I linked earlier in this post:

Generally, there are two ways to prove that you qualify for Mensa: either take the Mensa test, or submit a qualifying test score from another test. There are a large number of intelligence tests that are "approved".

You posted a link to Mensa's website earlier so obviously you recognize its authority in the field of IQ tests. Yet literally one click away from the link you provided, Mensa disproves everything you're saying about there being only one IQ test.

Lastly, certain IQ tests may involve only numbers and images, but tests can be designed for a specific language. That isn't to say that a test will be designed in English and then translated to German. I mean a test will be designed in English for English speakers, and another test will be designed in German for German speakers. Mensa cares only about percentiles within a certain test, not about raw score, so differences in scores between tests in different languages do not matter.

There are no on-line tests that can be used for admission to Mensa.
Also, Mensa makes it clear that online tests mean nothing, so obviously the test in the original post is trash.