An old-school gamer & anime freak!
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Indeed, Genius Society refers to Mensa. While they DO say those things, here's a little clarification since you seem to have really misread everything! Most important mistake you are making is that you keep insisting that I'm talking about INTELLIGENCE tests, while all I'm talking about is SPECIFICALLY IQ ones, two considerably different things! What I said on my previous post is the IQ tests' goal, not that of intelligence ones'. Many examinations are miscategorized as IQ ones, when their aim is to measure specific kinds of intelligence and those happen to make you believe that about actual IQ tests.I'm going to ignore the whole photographic memory thing because if I try to argue against it, it will sound like I'm defending this online IQ test, which I don't want to do.
Is "The Genius Society" supposed to refer to Mensa? Because that's all a quick Google search brings up, but I can't find any organizations called "The Genius Society."
I find it really funny that you included a link to some practice questions published on Mensa's website, yet you're still so ignorant to information that is easily accesible to you. From that page with the practice questions, you could have clicked one link (About Mensa International) and would have found this:
But you're right, obviously the only acceptable tests are those with a rigid 200 point scale, even though the most prestigious high-IQ society in the world accepts scores from a number of tests with different scales.
I'm certainly not including knowledge in intelligence. What I'm saying is that intelligence in its common usage refers only to a person's ability in areas like logic and problem solving. But intelligence is so much more than that. Many types of intelligence like emotional intelligence or musical intelligence are not tested in traditional IQ tests, even though they are an important part of a person's intelligence, so it is inaccurate to say IQ tests measure intelligence, because they ignore certain facets of a person's intelligence. IQ tests measure one's ability to see patterns and solve logic problems.
Once again, I have no idea where you're getting this "there's only one officially acknowledged IQ test" thing from. It simply isn't true. This is taken from Mensa's "About Mensa International" page I linked earlier in this post:
You posted a link to Mensa's website earlier so obviously you recognize its authority in the field of IQ tests. Yet literally one click away from the link you provided, Mensa disproves everything you're saying about there being only one IQ test.
Lastly, certain IQ tests may involve only numbers and images, but tests can be designed for a specific language. That isn't to say that a test will be designed in English and then translated to German. I mean a test will be designed in English for English speakers, and another test will be designed in German for German speakers. Mensa cares only about percentiles within a certain test, not about raw score, so differences in scores between tests in different languages do not matter.
Also, Mensa makes it clear that online tests mean nothing, so obviously the test in the original post is trash.
Now, about that quote from Mensa, you really seem to not have noticed a huge difference between that and what I said! What I said is that the only officially ACKNOWLEDGED IQ test is that which has been administered by Mensa, while they simply say basically that in order to "be considered" for joining you need a considerably high score with an APPROVED test, meaning that it's still more like a mock one! The people that get a high enough score then are given an actual IQ test, regardless of the method they went for in order to enter! That's simply because having to make everyone take the full actual test would require way too many resources, much more than a considerably small organization has. Also, the reason percentages are used are only to balance out and calculate score equivalents easier.
Finally, as I said and you quoted, tests need to be approved before even taken into consideration. However, as I said in my previous post, the sole purpose of an IQ test is to measure intelligence thought processing capacity and how complicated thoughts one can perform. Examinations with language involved measure the language center of the brain, which shouldn't be included in the test. In case you fail to notice, what IQ tests evaluate is not brain centers or parts, but the two most important things besides them! That's because it measures things that do NOT change throughout your lifetime! It's basically how fast and accurately your brain synapses can carry proteins and static electricity throughout your brain to perform though, thus "quotient". The language center, the memory and ability ones too and so on ALL change, evolve and then devolve during our lifetimes, so it's impossible to measure them, which is why we don't try to. So those "approved" tests mentioned are all just those that measure those two things that IQ tests are supposed to measure. Meaning that those that have questions with language involved, are intended for a different purpose and to gauge a different aspect of the brain, but are not approved for the most part.