If you could only own one electronic gadget, what would it be?

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  • #21
A laptop, as many in this thread say. A good laptop, might a add :p or one just decent to do important things efficiently. Games, productivity tools, access to numerous resources, communication with communites, etc. The thing about keeping only something else such as a gaming system is that it isn't very reliable in school or work settings. I mean, some have a browser but it's... just not on par :p

Maybe I could use my neighbours 'net sneakily (without a password, of course). :sneaky:
Would relate, at my school I steal the wifi or plug in the ethernet cable at any given moment (they don't give the internet password ;-;)
  • #22
it would have to be my laptop, sorry Switche and 3DS, but my laptop is way more useful and it has emulators