Never gives up a fight
Towns Folk
Mario 64 indeed is probably nicer on the 3ds. I think galaxy and sunshine would be 2 either remakes or sequels that would be fantastic on the wii u (would be impossible on the 3ds anyways) while something like super mario 64 which the 3ds is capable of can probably do a remake or a revamped version. But we may have to wait until next E3well since super mario 64 was the first 3d mario game, it would only make sense to be on the 3ds.
The reason mentioned by @Spaz101 is all we need to see it reasonable to find a super nario 64 3ds. and with all the new things introduced for the 3ds, we can now find many more features and ways to play and even a bunch more levels in the new game if it were to be made.
I think that it would be nicer to have on 3ds over wii u becuase it would be fun to be able to play on the go. And even more, being able to play online, where they could have some 3ds smash bros sort of thing, where they punch eachother and do whatever. And to enhance gameplay, they could make the circle pad used only for moving around, then make the d-pad used for camera adjusting, much better than taking out the pen for the touch screen. And with the circle pad to move, 360 degrees, and the d pad to change camera, theyre free to add a whole new crazy feature to the touch screen to make it 10 times better than the ds version. Plus new mini games, meaning new rabbits. And now they can add new characters too, like a waluigi, which i thought was in the last door.
And what i really hope they do if they make it is make secret stars inside actual levels, and give each character have more than one special ability accquired from the flower.
They should also best of all, make it multiplayer, like the co-op version of the original sm 64.