The Gucci Mining Diamonds Gang
Towns Folk
The Nintendo Switch has been the hottest topic in gaming for the entirety of 2017. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Nintendo 3ds, which has lost relevance over the past few years. This little handheld device was originally launched in 2011 and is still here in 2017 (very close to 2018). And while it isn't officially gone, it is safe to say it's lifespan is in it's ending moments. So the question is, is the 3ds dead?
No more major game releases:
So at this point in time the 3ds has basically nothing coming in terms of major game releases. Aside from spin off games from Nintendo and a few indies, nothing is coming to the 3ds. This clearly shows Nintendo has kinda forgotten about this console as they aren't supporting it as much. Major game releases keep consoles alive, and aside from a few in 2017 there haven't been any of them recently.
Nintendo games going on sale:
I'm sure you all know that nintendo doesn't really do sales on their games until many years after when the console the game is on is dead, or the game is irrelevant. Well many games have been going on sale recently on the nintendo 3ds systems (and wii u). This shows Nintendo doesn't care too much about the games on the 3ds systems. It also shows nintendo kinda saying themselves the system is dead and there won't be much more coming. Also hardware is going on sale a lot too.
At this point in time, there isn't really much going for the 3ds. The Nintendo Switch just outclasses it in like, every way. 3ds games just can't compare to switch games, from their graphics to sizes. The switch is also much more modern, with a much faster GUI, load times and more. The switch is also getting so many games, you can't even compare the two. Although the 3ds is cheaper, that's about all it has going for it.
Still selling well:
To surprise, the 3ds is still selling well. Is it switch numbers? No. But it is still impressive considering this console released nearly 7 years ago. In the last quarter the 3ds managed to sell ~1 million units. The 3ds could still be selling profitable numbers for many more months.
Games still being announced:
So this one is kinda a counterpoint as there is a chance for more games to be announced later down the road, or there may not be. It's likely at least one more nintendo game will be announced for the 3ds in 2018. However there is still a chance there may not be another game announced, and if there are any more games coming from nintendo, it won't be many.
So overall there are points for both why the 3ds is dead and not dead. This handheld has come a long way from where is began and now we are questioning if this is it's end. So what do you think? I'd love to hear about whether you think the 3ds is dead or not. Personally I think it's dead. I don't see much point in it existing at this point in time. But there are also arguments to make about it not being dead.
Edit: Just to clarify it doesn't have to be dead right now just in its ending phases. It won't die right now as it just had a major game release but after USUM is it going to be dead? We have no major game releases announced right now. So it may seem like the 3ds is in it's ending phases.
No more major game releases:
So at this point in time the 3ds has basically nothing coming in terms of major game releases. Aside from spin off games from Nintendo and a few indies, nothing is coming to the 3ds. This clearly shows Nintendo has kinda forgotten about this console as they aren't supporting it as much. Major game releases keep consoles alive, and aside from a few in 2017 there haven't been any of them recently.
Nintendo games going on sale:
I'm sure you all know that nintendo doesn't really do sales on their games until many years after when the console the game is on is dead, or the game is irrelevant. Well many games have been going on sale recently on the nintendo 3ds systems (and wii u). This shows Nintendo doesn't care too much about the games on the 3ds systems. It also shows nintendo kinda saying themselves the system is dead and there won't be much more coming. Also hardware is going on sale a lot too.
At this point in time, there isn't really much going for the 3ds. The Nintendo Switch just outclasses it in like, every way. 3ds games just can't compare to switch games, from their graphics to sizes. The switch is also much more modern, with a much faster GUI, load times and more. The switch is also getting so many games, you can't even compare the two. Although the 3ds is cheaper, that's about all it has going for it.
Still selling well:
To surprise, the 3ds is still selling well. Is it switch numbers? No. But it is still impressive considering this console released nearly 7 years ago. In the last quarter the 3ds managed to sell ~1 million units. The 3ds could still be selling profitable numbers for many more months.
Games still being announced:
So this one is kinda a counterpoint as there is a chance for more games to be announced later down the road, or there may not be. It's likely at least one more nintendo game will be announced for the 3ds in 2018. However there is still a chance there may not be another game announced, and if there are any more games coming from nintendo, it won't be many.
So overall there are points for both why the 3ds is dead and not dead. This handheld has come a long way from where is began and now we are questioning if this is it's end. So what do you think? I'd love to hear about whether you think the 3ds is dead or not. Personally I think it's dead. I don't see much point in it existing at this point in time. But there are also arguments to make about it not being dead.
Edit: Just to clarify it doesn't have to be dead right now just in its ending phases. It won't die right now as it just had a major game release but after USUM is it going to be dead? We have no major game releases announced right now. So it may seem like the 3ds is in it's ending phases.
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