Let's discuss; Books/Novels

  • Thread starter KalTurahk
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Towns Folk
I went around the pedia and didn't find any thread that actually concentrated on books (I did see "Book recommendations"?). So, I decided to create one myself, since I absolutely love reading!
The purpose of this thread is to talk about books (obviously...)! What kind of books do you read? Favorite writer? Favorite book? Genre?

I, for myself, am mostly interested in fantasy! The likes of "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the rings", as most of you atleast know by name.
For not so known, "The Belgariad", by David Eddings, is one of my favorites and it consists of five books. There's also "The Mallorean", "The Elenium", "The Tamuli" and "The Dreamers", his last work before passing.
I've also read two series done by Garth Nix. Then there's also "Artemis Fowl" series, which I absolutely love!

So, as you can see, fantasy is my genre! It doesn't mean that I don't read anything else! I'm also big fan of "I am Number Four" series, which is science-fiction!

But lets' forget about me for a second! How about you? Do you want to tell us of your reading habits? Have you read any books I've listed? Don't be shy, I won't bite!
Come on guys, let's open discussion!
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I love reading, but I haven't found many good novels lately. I'm currently re-reading Eragon by Christopher Paolini, and it's a terrible book. (Then why I am reading it, you say? Because I'm bored :( )

My favourites are:

  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (I haven't finished Lord of the Rings yet, in case you're wondering :p)
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker
  • Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
  • H.I.V.E. (series) by Mark Walden (I'm on Rogue - the fifth book)
  • Grizzly Tales: The Gnaughty Gnomes of 'No!' by Jamie Rix (scary stories, they're funny and scary and I love them :) )
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl (Roald Dahl is probably my favourite writer :D )
  • The BFG by Roald Dahl
  • The Witches by Roald Dahl
  • Matilda by Roald Dahl
  • The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho
  • Goosebumps (series) by R.L. Stine (it's a love/hate thing, Goosebumps got me into reading so it's of sentimental value to me :D )
  • The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis (A Narnia prequel)
I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone with the fact that there are only two books for adults on my favourites list, but most such books I've read stink. Dan Brown's books are terrible.
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Goosebumps!! I haven't read those for years! I have actually few on my bookshelf. Maybe I'll re-read them someday... Wait, wasn't there also TV-series?!
And I see you've also read The Hobbit. I guess that's my favorite book of all time, just by the number of times I've read it (almost 20 times!).

You know, I've pretty much just been re-reading books lately... and the bookshelf is full of books... maybe I'll finally start reading Gun seller...
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There was a TV series for Goosebumps, but I never watched it and I don't want to. :p The books are nice though. Simple and almost never scary, but still nice. I think Camp Cold Lake was the scariest Goosebumps book. :eek:
Camp Cold Lake... I can't recall if I've read that... but in other hand, I did read them in finnish, so the name could've been translated in any way...
Goosebumps got translated? Awesome! :D I thought it was only in English.

Also, I think My Best Friend is Invisible! has the best twist ending out of all the Goosebumps books :giggle:
Yeah, they've been translated in finnish and I'm pretty sure they've been translated in many other languages. I'm not sure, though...
And that story rings a bell... well, little anyway, It's been so many years!
My favorite books would have to be The Lord of the Rings series, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion. J.R.R. Tolkien's books were just amazing. After reading those books, I really want to live in Middle-Earth and meet all the different races and characters. What a great fantasy universe!

Other books would include Harry Potter and the Percy Jackson books.
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Indeed, Tolkien really was something. I can't but wonder, what he could've accomplished, had he been given more time.
  • #10
I love reading books/novels in my spare time. I've read all Sherlock Holmes novels, 3 Game of Thrones books, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and Nothing Lasts Forever + The Best Laid Plans by Sidney Sheldon.

I also read a lot of psychology books like how to spot a lie and stuff like that because I'm really fascinated with Sherlock Holmes and his attention to detail method.
  • #11
Wow, I totally forgot the Sherlock Holmes books. The Hound of the Baskervilles :love:
  • #12
I'm really into fantasy novels too, but I also enjoy books like The Da Vinci Code once in a while, jeez Dan Brown must be a genius! I went to France last week and I've been to the Louvre. It was so cool to see all the paintings mentioned in his book in real life :) To be honest, I liked the Hobbit more than The Lord of the Rings. I'm also a BIG potterhead, and it's kinda a tradition for me to read them every two years, and I always discover new things :). The first time I read them I was 7, and I remember disliking the 6th book because I didn't really understand some things about Voldemort's past, but now it's definately one of my favourites! I really, really like Alice ('s Adventures) in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, it's full of weird and funny logic and the I love the riddles and pictures ^_^ I always try to read books in English if they are originally written in English, because I don't like it when they translate names and it's a great way to learn English :thumbsup: Overall, I really like reading and since it's Summer Break I have enough time to finish reading some books :D any recommendations?
  • #13
I've never read any Sherlock Holmes books, which is pity, since people really seem to like them. I really need to get my hands on them. Maybe I'll find them at library, in english preferably.

Overall, I really like reading and since it's Summer Break I have enough time to finish reading some books :D any recommendations?

If I were to recommend some books I've read, go with "The Belgariad". With five books, "Pawn of prophecy" being the first, you have something to read for quite some time. They're fun, filled with characters of many kinds, from humans to gods!

I also read a lot of psychology books like how to spot a lie and stuff like that because I'm really fascinated with Sherlock Holmes and his attention to detail method.

We have a new Sherlock in making!!!
  • #14
I've never read any Sherlock Holmes books, which is pity, since people really seem to like them. I really need to get my hands on them. Maybe I'll find them at library, in english preferably.

If I were to recommend some books I've read, go with "The Belgariad". With five books, "Pawn of prophecy" being the first, you have something to read for quite some time. They're fun, filled with characters of many kinds, from humans to gods!

We have a new Sherlock in making!!!
Sounds great, maybe they have it in our library, I'll look for it next time I go :) thanks! ^_^
  • #15
Unfortunately I'm not much of a reader. I wish I enjoyed reading more, but when we have to read books constantly in English class, I don't want to spend even more time reading in my freetime.

Very rarely will I actually read for fun, but if I do, that likely means it's an extremely good book, in which case I won't be able to put it down. I specifically remember this was the case with the Hunger Games series. Another book I enjoyed a lot was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, which I read last May for English class.

I hope that perhaps I'll be able to read more in the future, because it seems to me that reading is something "cultured" people do and making myself more cultured never hurts. I've attempted at reading The Chosen by Chaim Potok since 8th grade, but I've never gotten anywhere with it, so maybe when I'm finished with my summer English assignment I'll pick that back up.
  • #16
In the past few days I've read three books:

  • Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
  • The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (re-read actually)
  • Relics by Shaun Hutson. This is the book I want to discuss in detail. I bought it as part of a compilation almost eight years ago because it had skulls on the cover and I was a Goosebumps kid. I didn't read past the first chapter for eight whole years because I was a little kid and the vocabulary was too difficult for me to understand. Once I got around to reading it yesterday evening though, I couldn't stop until I finished. It's probably the only book I've ever read that scared me. I think it'd be pretty rare for anyone to find it in a bookshop, but if you want a scary story I'd definitely recommend this - with the warning that it's very gory and explicit and the sort of stuff that would have an even higher rating than 18+ if possible.
  • #17
Some of my favorite books:

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Musashi: An Epic Novel of the Samurai Era by Eiji Yoshikawa
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  • #18
I've been reading books, from fiction to non-fiction (since I'm a university student, too). Just found this thread, and I'm surprised to find that @Spinnerweb loves Roald Dahl (my partner once told me that I'm similar to Matilda - the male counterpart, of course). I once loved Paulo Coelho's books, but not the recently published ones.

I've been reading Japanese light novel (English version), and now I'm collecting Suzumiya Haruhi light novel series. I also have All You Need is Kill, adapted into Edge of Tomorrow. I plan to collect Log Horizon light novel series once translated.

My list of favorite books.
1. Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Ryukishi07 (a visual novel, actually)
2. The Zahir - Paulo Coelho
3. Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
4. Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire
5. The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
6. Life Sentences - Dorothea Rosa Herliany
7. Walden Two - B.F. Skinner
8. The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
9. On Love - Alain de Botton
10. Suzumiya Haruhi series - Nagaru Tanigawa
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  • #19
I've been reading another Shaun Hutson horror novel: Spawn. It's pretty scary and disturbing and the climax was great, but the ending was a little disappointing (or maybe it was because I read the last page accidentally while I was still in the middle of the novel).
  • #20
I like reading books that have to do with mythological and fantasy subjects or school life
Favorite books
1.eragon by Christopher paolini
2. Young samurai by Chris Bradford
3. All of the books by Rick riordan
4. Harry potter by j.k Rowling
5. The eye of the warlock by p.w catanese
6. The kite runner by khalad hossain
7.the thief Lord by cornielia funke
8. Dragon rider by Cornelia funke
9. Schooled by gordon korman
10. Shadow children by maragaret haddix