Miiverse is now pretty much RUINED!

  • Thread starter Jisenku
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  • #21
Miiverse was always ruined. That's what made it so fun. The terrible administration which, to this day, I can't tell if they were bots or not... I think they were. The posting limit, which was easily circumvented; the various banned users who came back and made themselves into mini celebrities, everything else... it was a wonderfully embarrassing, terrible time, and I loved every moment of it.

Last I heard, some of the users were building their own Miiverse. Have no idea how any of that ended up, sadly I think it's either died now, or maybe it's still active. I vaguely recall the name of the recreation, maybe I should check. It's always fun to look back at all the terrible, embarrassing things we've done, don't you think? To see how far we've come in retrospect and remember all the paths that took us here, and how they felt to walk on down?
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  • #22
Miiverse was always ruined. That's what made it so fun. The terrible administration which, to this day, I can't tell if they were bots or not... I think they were. The posting limit, which was easily circumvented; the various banned users who came back and made themselves into mini celebrities, everything else... it was a wonderfully embarrassing, terrible time, and I loved every moment of it.

Last I heard, some of the users were building their own Miiverse. Have no idea how any of that ended up, sadly I think it's either died now, or maybe it's still active. I vaguely recall the name of the recreation, maybe I should check. It's always fun to look back at all the terrible, embarrassing things we've done, don't you think? To see how far we've come in retrospect and remember all the paths that took us here, and how they felt to walk on down?
oh my god i forgot i made this post OK
  • #23
Miiverse was okay until the things BlueJ mentioned happened in an update. I hope Nintendo finds a better social media concept in the future to learn from this like age restricted lobbies or even a forum concept of their own rather than just talking about games say they talk about life experiences and stuff. Miitomo came and went as well and I didn't have a phone to experience it though so maybe a PC experience by me would be encouraged.
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