Minecraft Wii U Edition

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #21
wii u minecraft is cool
  • #22
You might be right. Although, I don't desperately need it right this instant, because the person I sometimes play with barely ever talks lol. I'd be even more inclined to buy it if there were more Wii U games that actually had a voice chat feature, but it is what it is. :p
Yeah, if only nintendo used that feature more. Honestly, nintendo needs to stop worrying about certain things. That is why I will wait till minecraft goes on sale for at least 20 dollars or buy a physical version of minecraft wii u. I wonder if there is any chance for a physical release though.
  • #23
Not picking this up ...30$ ...all the other ports are 20$ and the iOS version (6.99) I have does way more...
infinite worlds was a need and sense discovery is coming on Wii u (January 6th) with infinite worlds and its 6.99$ I'll wait on Minecraft .....
I love Minecraft but I feel like they didn't give it there all ..they just ported the Xbox 360 version to the WiiU left out many WiiU features that could of been used ..sad..
  • #24
I enjoy Minecraft. I have it on PS3, and I can say that Nintendo included DLC that you had to pay for on the Playstation, so I'm happy.

I would love to help set up a 3DSPedia community world.
  • #25
Nintendo is a bit late to the party, but it's nice to have this available for those who lile the game and want to enjoy it on a different platform.
I won't be gettig this version, since I already own the PC version which is generally superior (custom skins, text-chat, modding, faster updates, etc. This one provides voice chat and stable performance though) as well as the $30 price tag doesn't appeal too much to me (got the PC version for cheaper 2 years ago), though it is nice of them to include some DLC packs for free.
  • #26
Minecraft Story Mode is very good. It's coming to Wii U next year i heard. Minecraft U is good