Pairings that you wish could happen but aren't possible

  • Thread starter Icemario
  • Start date
  • #21
First off, the obvious. Basilio and Flavia to S-Class. Also, the extras such as Prima, Walhart, Grangrel, Yen'fay, Aversa, Anna, Emmeryn, and Tiki. I'm not sure whom I would pair them up with, but I enjoyed their support conversations. I also would've loved to have seen other MUs marry. The support conversation would have been interesting, not to mention to the child's stats. Those would've been amazing to seen.
  • #22
I was (also) honestly disappointed when Basilio and Flavia couldn't S-support each other
And same with other characters that can basically only marry MU
  • #23
For some odd reason I can't explain, I've always wanted Gaius and Lon'qu to be able to support?
The same goes for Sully and Panne, but I actually have a reason for that. In their conversations in the Summer Scramble DLC pack, Sully reveals that she used to have a pet rabbit when she was young. After that, I've just always liked thinking about what their relationship could be like if the game allowed it.
To everyone above, wishing for Cordelia and Chrom... I wish the game could have allowed them to support, but not reach S-ranking. I wish their supports would give Cordelia some sort of conclusion, so that she finally gets over him.
And of course, obvious ones, such as Emmeryn with Chrom and Lissa, Gangrel with Aversa, Say'ri with Yen'fay, etc.
Also, more Tiki supports in general. After marrying Tiki, the lack of supports with her is upsetting.
  • #24
Nowi x Donnel I wish it so hard ;-;