Rate the Avatar Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
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  • #481
5/10 don't hurt me ;-;
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Reactions: Rosey
  • #482
  • #483
5/10 just average sorry
  • #484
8/10 I'm really into space, stars, and galaxies--hence the book I'm writing.
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Reactions: Rosey
  • #486
7/10 simplicity
  • #488
8/10 pretty but I have no idea what it actually is.
  • #489
8/10 pretty but I have no idea what it actually is.

8/10 Pretty interesting
It's just a galaxy, nice tardis.
  • #490
8/10 It's pretty, and it's space.
  • #491
8/10 pretty cool drawing of some anime character I don't know
  • #492
5/10 Three magnet balls?
  • #493
@Kawaki it's a pokemon by the name of magneton.

8/10 a cool picture of another anime character that I do not know
  • #494
7/10 --I like Pokemon, so it got a few extra points just for that. I think it's the style of art that made me not recognize it. But now I know.
  • #495
8/10 pretty cool drawing of some anime character I don't know

It's actually a Final Fantasy character.

8/10 I don't recognise the character, but I like the art style.
  • #496
10/10 connotations of a knight.
  • #497
@Knight. That's Sephiroth?!!! I guess I didn't know because many anime characters look about the same (he's anime in that picture anyway).

@Rattus rattus 4/1o Don't care much for the picture, but the concept is interesting and looks like it was put together somewhat well. Don't know if those are wings in the back though. Yours or someone else's
  • #498
3 words, Nice Japanese sytle 8/10
  • #499
6/10. Why is the animation blurred of the avatar?
  • #500
I think I already rated this one but gonna randomly give 4/10