Riddle time!

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Writing- 'n-Drawing-aholic
Towns Folk
Riddle me this, riddle me that... So I figured it was time for some riddle solving.

  1. You can ask others but you may not use google. (google is for the weak!)
  2. Please post the answer so others can admire your riddle-solving skills. (And find out the answer of riddles they could not answer.)
  3. If you answer a riddle can post a new one. (And no sooner, if you want to post a riddle, answer one.)
  4. Only post an answer if you are (almost perfectly) sure it is correct.
  5. If more than one equally correct answer is possible it's a bad riddle.

Here are three riddles, one I wrote myself, I random and the third one is just a beautiful one. (BONUS: Can you guess which one is mine?)

You cannot outrun me
yet you can run out of me
nothing goes faster than me
yet I am the slowest you will ever see?

What can run but never walks,
Has a mouth but never talks,
Has a bed but never sleeps,
Has a head but never weeps?

I go through an apple,
Or point out your way.
I fit in a bow,
Then a target, to stay?

Have fun my fellow riddlers and may the best riddler both solve and offer the most riddles.:sneaky:
Ain't we got no riddlers on 3DSpedia?:eek:
Riddle one
My answer is... Time
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I applaud to you, brave riddler. The answer is correct! Now riddle me, will you? :pompus:
They thought that I'm shy,
when my head's to the ground,
yet all I do,
is look for food.

Dang, making riddles is hard! I hope this is... solvable.:whistle:
I have the feeling it's a dog..... hmmmm....... Ok. Pretty sure it's a dog.
Sorry, that ain't it.:p
Awww.... Hmmmmmmmmmmm......
It's an ostrich!
  • #10
You are CORRECT!!!
  • #11
Yay! Have you solved any of the other riddles yet? After that I might post some harder riddles, maybe even some in old English (translated! Don't worry!)
  • #12
Nah, haven't solved them yet!:woot:
  • #13
No, wait, Riddle 3 asnwer is Arrow, isn't it?
  • #14
C'mon the second one isn't that hard... You must think a bit out of the box but I'm sure you can solve it. :woot::woot:
  • #15
Ooh, you ninja-ed me. You're right! It is indeed an arrow. :)
  • #16
Riddle 2, is it... Stream?
  • #17
No, but you are incredibly close.
  • #18
Well, river then?
  • #19
Jup! That's right.
  • #20