Riddle time!

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  • #21
A cowboy rode to an inn on Friday.
He stayed there 2 days until Thursday.
How is that possible?
I didn't create this riddle,, btw. It's just a known riddle.

The cowboy's horse name is Friday.
  • #22
Nice one, but can you solve riddles too? This is one of the oldest riddles in the Enlish language but with some thought it is not too hard to solve:


Mec gesette soð sigora waldend
crist to compe oft ic cwice bærne
unrimu cyn eorþan getenge
næte mid niþe swa ic him no hrine ·
þōn mec min frea feohtan hateþ
hwilum ic monigra mod arete
hwilum ic frefre þa ic ær winne · ōn
feorran swiþe hi þæs felað þeah
swylce þæs oþres þonne ic eft hyra
ofer deop gedreag drohtað betan

Translated to modern day English

Christ, the commander, the true lord of victories,
ordained me for conflict. I burn the living,
unnumbered mortals, over all the earth.
I afflict them with pain, yet never I touch them,
whenever my lord bids me to battle.
Sometimes I gladden the minds of many;
sometimes I comfort those I make war on,
even from afar. They feel it, nonetheless,
the hurt and the healing, when now and again,
over deep tribulation, I better their fortunes.
  • #23
Answer for you number 3 riddle my answer is...... Arrow?
  • #24
It is indeed an arrow. But @KalTurahk answered that one earlier. Nonetheless; great job. :)
  • #25
Well well well
I think i should ask u something:)
this one is pretty easy and its a common riddle in thailand here goes!!
emerge from the ground out of no where
its very tall taller than all
but yet it is short shorter than a grass
stand still for thousand years...
that is it its pretty easy tho.

it is a mountain :D
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  • #26
I think it is a tree. They emerge from the ground and can become very tall. On the other hand when a tree pops up it is shorter than grass and a tree can have very long live-span a 'thousand years' if you wish. Am I correct? And did you find the answer to the old English riddle already?
  • #27
nope its taller than a tree its way more bigger than that if u compare it to each other the tree is the size of a toothpick
And no im not even know what the question is - -;
  • #28
The question is what is it that the riddle describes? As for the answer for your riddle, at the moment I'm clueless but I'll think of something. (I hope)
  • #29
i upload the answer its in spoiler if you are give up open it.
  • #30
No! I will find the answer!
  • #31
for u question i answer

well maybe god?
  • #32
Nope, it's not. :)
  • #33
Nice one, but can you solve riddles too? This is one of the oldest riddles in the Enlish language but with some thought it is not too hard to solve:


Mec gesette soð sigora waldend
crist to compe oft ic cwice bærne
unrimu cyn eorþan getenge
næte mid niþe swa ic him no hrine ·
þōn mec min frea feohtan hateþ
hwilum ic monigra mod arete
hwilum ic frefre þa ic ær winne · ōn
feorran swiþe hi þæs felað þeah
swylce þæs oþres þonne ic eft hyra
ofer deop gedreag drohtað betan

Translated to modern day English

Christ, the commander, the true lord of victories,
ordained me for conflict. I burn the living,
unnumbered mortals, over all the earth.
I afflict them with pain, yet never I touch them,
whenever my lord bids me to battle.
Sometimes I gladden the minds of many;
sometimes I comfort those I make war on,
even from afar. They feel it, nonetheless,
the hurt and the healing, when now and again,
over deep tribulation, I better their fortunes.

The answer is the Sun
  • #34
That's true! Very good. :D
  • #35
Do u know the answer yet :D
  • #36
Nope. But I do know a bunch of things that are NOT the answer. :D It's quite a hard riddle...Or maybe I'm just being stupid. So I looked at the answer...How is a mountain shorter than grass?
  • #37
mwa ha ha ha ha...
imagine a forest mountain it have forest on it right and wherever a tree there is always a grass so that is become some kinda joke for thailand:sneaky:
  • #38
  • #40
OOooooooooooooh ok.