Just before I begin, no, it didn't take me 12+ hours to do my homework
Ok, so I began playing and while on my way out of Pyrite the fortune teller (forgot her name) told me that my Pokémon had a "shadowy aura" ('cause they're Shadow Pokémon

) and that there was a place to the north of the region where I could cleanse them from this darkness. After hearing that, Sara (the girl that can see Shadow Pokémon. Named her after my sister, I don't like how Rui sounds...) told me that her grandparents lived up north in Agate Village and she was supposed to visit them when she was kidnapped by Trudly and Folly.
I went to Agate Villaged and explored the place, found a Silk Scarf, 2 Ultra Balls and last (but definitely not least) the Exp. Share! I also got a Persim Berry from an old man.
I went to Aegun's house (Sara's grandfather) and as they were informing each other about everything that happened a man came in and told us that a group of shady people where attacking the Relic Forest.
I went through the cave that connects Agate with the forest and battle some Cipher Peons. When I reached the forest's clearing Eagun was there, along with a Cipher Peon named... Skrub

. Eagun tried to stop him from destroying the Relic stone but his Pikachu wasn't able to take down Skrub's Hitmontop so I had to battle him.
Skrub led off with a Geodude and Wynaut, I decided to put the Wynaut to sleep with a Sleep Powder from Skiploom and set up a Reflect with Espeon (
@Pancake, not nicknamed in the battle because I played through this part yesterday). Then I used Helping Hand and Mega Drain to deal with Geodude. Skrub sent in his Shadow Hitmontop (Lv.38!

) and set up a Focus Energy

. I was able to put it to sleep and lowered it's HP a little but it woke up before I was able to catch it, I kind of predicted the turn it did so I used a Sleep Powder and it couldn't do anything. It woke up again and landed a critical hit Shadow Rush on Skiploom

It had a chance to live since the Reflect was up and non-crit Shadow Rushes were doing as little as 40% (in Gens I-V crits do x2 the damage, instead of the newly implemented x1.5 in Gen VI). R.I.P. Skiploom, I'd have loved to keep you in the party and purified you to get those fast Sleep Powders in the team...

I sent out Flaaffy and was able to paralyze Hitmontop with a Thunder Wave, I also lowered it's HP a little more with Thundershock. Thankfully I was able to snag Hitmontop before loosing any more Pokémon!

His last Pokémon was a Clamperl that was OHKO'd by Pancake's Psybeam and Wynaut was a sitting duck during the entirety of the match xD
With the lost of an important ally we got ourselves a powerful friend, Hitmontop (
@Chopper)! I added him to the party immediately, the Intimidate will be extremely useful!
We went back to Eagun's house and I got an e-mail from Duking saying that a group of people were attacking Mt. Battle! Before going there though, Beluh told us that she had a stone tablet somewhere that explained something about the Relic Stone and I was told to go talk with someone in town (forgot his name) so he could explain the Celebi lore. Went back to Beluh and she gave me a Small Tablet that said that in order to cleanse the Pokémon's darkness from their hearts I must take them to the Relic Stone, which holds some of Celebi's powers. And you know what this means... it's purification time! 3 of our Pokémon where ready to be purified: Makuhita (
@Artisan), Quilava (
@Eridan) and Flaaffy!

They got all the Exp. they accumulated as Shadow Pokémon and got some levels off of it. Artisan and Flaafy evolved too! Also, from now on, purified Pokémon will be nicknamed! (can't be nicknamed when Shadow). The Name Rater lives in Agate too so I can nickname them if they're claimed even after purification.
Eridan regained the move Sunny Day! Artisan Regained the move Foresight! Ampharos regained the move Thunderbolt!
This is the end of my last session

I'll grind everyone to Lv.38 (yes, even Remoraid) before heading to Mt. Battle, a big battle is coming!
Current Team:
Espeon (
@Pancake) - Lv. 37
Hariyama (
@Artisan) - Lv. 32
Quilava (
@Eridan) - Lv. 34
Ampharos - Lv. 35
Hitmontop (@Chopper) - Lv. 38
Remoraid - Lv. 20
Deaths: 3
Yanma (@Chopper) - Lv. 33
Meditite - Lv. 33
Skiploom - Lv. 30
Upcoming Pokémon:
Level cap: Lv. 40