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  • Thread starter Kokuren7
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  • #21
I like that
  • #22
I know it's a bit large but I'll readjust it for a sign later
  • #23
you need to blend more
  • #24
I also have this
Not that I blended on this one but hey might as well show it off
  • #25
Stuff isn't bad for a begginer. just need to work on the style, do more with the empty spaces, and blend your tags a bit better. There's a lot of ways to blend your tags by using adjustment layers, and soft brush, and burn and dodge tool.

You should try to come up with your own style too, take stuff you like from others peoples style, and make your own style that way. That's what I do.

@ shippo @Kokuren7 I have a bunch of gfx resource from over 5 years if you guys want them. Textures/fractals/c4ds i have it all. let me know so i can upload it for you guys.
  • #26
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  • #27
I like it, but I think it's too dark. Brighten it up a bit! ;)

the effect is pretty cool (like it's on an old TV). :p
  • #28
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  • #29
your suppose to blend your texture so it looks natural to your piece not just lay it over the top
  • #30
So blend the texture around the characters?
  • #31
if your using clouds the effect of clouds shouldnt be just slap on the renders parts of your renders should come through where as other part are completely covered . giving it a dimensional feel
  • #32
Like with the medicham one?
  • #33
you should look up tuts on textures and effects